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This is a list of the absurdly awesome characters that make up the equally awesome series Hayate Cross Blade, by Hayashiya Shizuru.
Please note that names have been listed with family names first.
Sword Bearers[]
Kurogane Hayate[]
The titular protagonist, a simple-minded and reckless idiot. One of the most notable things about her fighting style is her incredible speed, and she claims to be a 3-dan in kendo. Many a Fan Nickname in the series actually started from, or are nicknames she gives to other characters. Has a heroic(?) alter ego(?) known as Famima Kamen.
Voiced by Kurumi Mamiya.
- Ahoge: Lampshaded by the mangaka here and here.
- Anonymous Benefactor: Hayate tries to be this.
- Ass Kicks You
- Attack Hello: Hayate's enthusiasm is probably going to kill Akira one of these days.
- Balloon Belly: Slow down on that food, Hayate!
- Barehanded Blade Block: Hayate keeps trying this. It keeps ending badly.
- Book Dumb: For all her fighting prowess, many comedic moments in one drama CD come from her study sessions with Ayana.
- Brown Bag Mask: Fond of wearing plastic ones (and inflicting them upon others) as Famima Kamen.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Cat Smile
- Character Title
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: But not because Hard Work Hardly Works, Hayate has been shown undergoing training either on her own or with other characters.
- Dogged Nice Girl: When trying to get Ayana to form a partnership with her.
- Friend to All Children
- Genki Girl
- The Glomp: Usually towards Ayana, but there have been others subject to it.
- Happily Adopted
- Idiot Hero
- In-Series Nickname: Kuro.
- Magnetic Hero
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Hayate is this to Ayana, though the latter seems to be only vaguely aware.
- New Transfer Student: This is useful in that the reader learns more about hoshitori together with her during exposition.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Maybe. Her schemes work much too often for it to be chance, so it's either that or author fiat.
- Oblivious to Love: Does not seem to realize the extent of Chiharu's fondness for her.
- Or My Name Isn't: Backfires spectacularly because shouting out your name when you're pretending to be someone else is generally a bad idea.
- The Nicknamer
- No Sense of Personal Space
- Paper-Thin Disguise: She seems to excel at these, although, somewhat subverted when Yuho didnt recognize her in her duck outfit.
- Plucky Girl
- Ridiculously Cute Costume: The duck costume Hayate dons in volume 5... induces severe tooth pain upon viewing
- Rubber Face
- Shonen Hair: Not as obvious as Nagi's, but over time becomes more noticeable, especially when she's moving quickly.
- Shy Finger-Twiddling: After Ayana catches her during her secret training.
- Snot Bubble
- There Was a Door: Sometimes.
- Too Dumb to Fool
- Too Fast to Stop
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
Mudou Ayana[]
Though seemingly unparalleled in ability, Ayana starts out unwilling to take part in hoshitori battles due to guilt from having caused her previous partner injury out of her own conceit. After entering the partnership with Hayate, however, she still spends a good part of her appearances playing video games (usually dating sims) and beating up people that annoy her.
- Angrish: Usually because of Hayate, Jun, or both.
- Battle Aura: When someone infuriates her enough.
- Berserk Button: She does not approve of some of Hayate and Jun's... antics.
- Boss Subtitles: Only those with guts, or are ridiculously foolish, dare mess with the Raging Tiger of Tenchi.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: With Hayate.
- Break the Cutie: As a child.
- Childhood Friends: With Yukari.
- Clothing Damage: Thanks to Jun.
- Cuffs Off, Rub Wrists
- Death Glare
- Gamer Chick
- The Glasses Come Off
- Grievous Harm with a Body: The Dainingen Giri.
- Hikikomori: She is even called this by Hayashiya in a bonus special for the first drama CD.
- Implied Death Threat: Anyone feel like playing with Mr. Nail Bat?
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Ayana treats children significantly nicer than she treats her schoolmates.
- Meganekko, thought to be Blind Without'Em: Subverted, when it is revealed that her glasses are her Power Limiter. Often also with Scary Shiny Glasses.
- Megaton Punch: Ayana is not thrilled at the idea of partnering up with Hayate and often reminds her in rather violent ways. As their partnership progresses, she becomes more accepting, but still hits as hard.
- Pet the Dog: Subverted when Nagi reminds Hayate that she's just a placeholder and as a result Hayate is feeling rather down; Ayana picks up Hayate in what almost seems like an affectionate way only to suplex her.
- Power Limiter
- Satsuki Yukino
- Snark Knight: Though with bit more violence and Mr. Nailbat.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Hayate thinks of Ayana as this, despite her fantasies' constant discrepancy with the real Ayana.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Thousand-Yard Stare: Prompted by the incident with her grandfather.
- Tsundere
- Unknown Rival: only those that have some kind of special looks, or hang around her long enough, stay in Ayana's memory. She might even remember their name properly someday.
- Unstoppable Rage
- Watch Out for That Tree
Kuga Jun[]
Ayana's roommate who acts like a extremely lecherous Cool Big Sis, and often gets beat up by Ayana for it (the lechery). Yet they are also very close, and she seems to know quite a bit about Ayana's past. Self-proclaimed oniwaban to Yuho, her Protectorate.
She becomes the hoshitori's only one-woman team after she and Yuno fight Ayana and Hayate, bearing Yuno's Heaven sword as well as her own Earth sword.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Clothing Damage: Subjected on Ayana.
- Cool Big Sis
- Dual-Wielding: She starts using Yuho's sword as of volume 4.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Ryoutoutsukai[1]
- Holding Hands: Yuho holds hers before their fight with Hayate and Ayana, prompting her to do the same for Ayana before the match with Ensuu.
- In-Series Nickname: Jun-Jun.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Despite being a walking sexual harassment case, Jun is shown to be on friendly terms with quite a few characters, and pretty much whipped when it comes to Yuho.
- Megumi Toyoguchi
- Ninja: Depicted with ninja characteristics occasionally after this is revealed. It ranges from being a Mundane Utility, such as for sewing, to an Unusually Uninteresting Sight, such as scaling walls.
- The Peeping Tom: Allegedly.
- Porn Stash: Presumably so large that she even forgot about the portion left in Yuho's room.
- Yuri Fan: Jun spends an awful lot of time teasing Ayana when Hayate insists on pairing up with her in volume 1.
Shizuma Yuho[]
Having a weak constitution, Yuho was sickly to the point of being in and out of hospitalization for a large part of her childhood, even up to a year for a stretch. Despite that, she is skillful enough to have come up with her own style, and has the odd behavioral tic of doing thumbs-downs when thumbs-ups are expected.
- Berserk Button: Calling her "princess" is asking to be responded with violence. Only one person does it, anyway.
- Dance Battler: In a flashback she mentions that her invented technique is a mixture of Aikido and Nichibu dancing.
- Definitely Just a Cold
- Handicapped Badass
- Ill Girl: Partly subverted in that she's willing to head into action, despite the protests of her family.
- In-Series Nickname: Sigma.
- Incest Is Relative: Jun and Yuho are half-sisters. They are also, according to official polls, the most popular pairing in this series.
- The Ojou
- Rebellious Princess
- Tsundere: See the example above, and note that her screen time with Jun is split roughly between hitting her, verbal abuse, and Crowning Moment of Heartwarming multiple times.
- Weak but Skilled: Makes up for her frail body by using martial arts-based techniques to flip her opponents around with a minimum of exertion on her part.
- Yuki Matsuoka
Kibi Momoka[]
Hayate's Hot-Blooded roommate in the same year and the embodiment of what happens when a Childhood Marriage Promise goes into lololand. Having entered Tenchi expecting to be shinyuu with Riona, she challenges Ouka with the intention of breaking them up, only to, as Hitsugi put it, win the battle but lose the war. She ends up with Isuzu, whom she calls "Wanko", instead. They later form a Four-Girl Ensemble with Kiji and Michi, a group affectionately known to fans as the Momotaro-gumi.
- Badass Normal: She has to be this to balance out her occult-powered partner.
- The Berserker: Her 'style' is to keep on swinging until she hits something.
- Demoted to Extra: Has concerns about becoming this.
- Hot-Blooded
- Important Haircut: After being rejected by Riona.
- In-Series Nickname: Moka-chan.
- Makiko Ohmoto
- Returning The Towel
- Skyward Scream: At the end of her duel with Kiriya.
- Take a Third Option: With regards to Kijimiya's offer in volume 4.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend
- Unnecessary Roughness
- Kansai Regional Accent
Inugami Isuzu[]
First shown as a Stringy Haired Ghost Girl who creeps the heck out of Momoka and those who see or hear about her because of her powerful supernatural abilities, which run in the family. Their eventual teamup comes with a forced makeover that shows her as being Beautiful All Along. She retains that interest in the occult though.
- Animal Theme Naming: Her nicknames stem from the "inu (dog)" in her name.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: The reason behind her attachment to Momoka.
- Black Magician Girl: Whether her black magic is real or not, it sure scares the heck out of her opponents.
- That fog was not imaginary. She's the real thing, as is apparently a lot of the rest of the cast, casting further doubt on their humanity.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- I See Dead People: And can summon evil spirits too, apparently.
- In-Series Nickname: Inu-chan, Wanko, Wan-Wan.
- Insult Backfire: What it invariably looks like to others whenever Momoka talks about her, since Momoka is very blunt about how creepy and horrifying her partner's powers are. Wanko, however, takes this as high praise.
- Mamiko Noto
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant
- And that's just something we love about her, oddly.
- Shrinking Violet
- Strange Girl
Kijimiya Otoha[]
Isuzu's classmate who comes from a long line of shamans. A prideful person who stands out due to her often arrogant behavior. Drawn to Isuzu because of their similar backgrounds, she dissolved her pact with Michi to team up with Isuzu instead. They make up in a rather Slap Slap Kiss fashion.
- Animal Theme Naming: The "pheasant" of the Momotaro-gumi. Sometimes used for insulting nicknames by Momoka.
- Defeat Means Friendship: The story behind why her team and Kibi-Inugami sit together at mealtimes.
- Dowsing Device
- I Have the High Ground: She envisions an idealized version of this...before her fear of heights is revealed.
- I See Dead People: Unlike Wanko, Kiji is terrified by them.
- Sanae Kobayashi
- Shock and Awe: But not all that practical.
- Twinkle Smile
Sagara Michi[]
Kiji's partner, a innocent, artless person that gets along well with everyone. She acts like a go-between among the group of friends Hayate has in the same year, easily helping them get along with each other. Her family runs a farm.
- Animal Theme Naming: The "monkey" of the Momotaro-gumi.
- Badass Normal: Fans have pointed out that she is in fact much more useful in fights than Kiji, as the mass battle against the A-team showed.
- Fighting with Chucks
- I Know Karate: Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, no less!
- Ryou Hirohashi
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Granted, this only happened once, but it was enough to make Ayana remember Michi as "the girl who threw her sword".
Takami Sou[]
An upperclassman who is a good friend of Hayate's and, in modeling terms, on the same scale as the short protagonist. Her family has financial difficulties that she pays off with hoshitori earnings. Though she grudgingly took part in Mizuchi's schemes, she is still decent at heart.
- Baguette Beatdown
- Birds of a Feather: With Hayate.
- In-Series Nickname: Ao-chan.
- Noriko Shitaya
- Similar Squad: She and Mizuchi mimic Hayate and Ayana, respectively.
- The Drag Along: To some extent.
Asakura Mizuchi[]
An admirer of Ayana whose offers of partnership were repeatedly rejected, embittering her so much she turned against Ayana instead. In a convenient plot twist, she also happens to be the daughter of Smiley Finance's boss, ie. the company Hayate's orphanage owes money to. After trying and failing to sabotage Hayate's money-making efforts, she undergoes a Heel Face Turn and helps them out instead.
- Baguette Beatdown
- Defeat Means Friendship: Sorta.
- Disproportionate Retribution
- Houko Kuwashima
- Similar Squad: She and Sou match Ayana and Hayate. She seems to have purposely invoked this.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Who gets mistaken for Sou's mother.
- Unknown Rival: The only time Ayana gets her name right is followed another name, then "Lady Boss", because she thought she'd got it wrong.
- Yandere: Mizuchi is not happy after Ayana rejected her twice. She gets over it.
Someya Yukari[]
Former shinyuu of Ayana, who dissolved their pact after a watershed duel left Yukari severely wounded by her own partner. Shown rising up the ranks in earlier volumes with her new partner Maki, she is eventually promoted to A-rank. Although almost always snarky and cold towards Ayana when interacting with her, signs point to Yukari still caring. Probably.
- Ai Maeda
- The Atoner: Having failed to protect Ayana before, she got the chance to be placed in the same situation again when challenging Meiko and Ensuu after being promoted.
- Childhood Friends: With Ayana.
- Important Haircut
- Peek-a-Bangs: It hides a prominent scar on the left side of her face and is markedly different from her longer hair in flashbacks.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Her softer side is mostly seen in her interactions with Maki.
Kamijou Maki[]
Yukari's current shinyuu and head of the art club. Called a genius because of her capability to paint and fight with the same hand, she was however torn between the two, unable to reach her full capacity in either. After the battle against Ensuu and Meiko, she has started to hold her sword in her left hand.
- Badass Bookworm: Or more accurately, badass artist. One art club member notes that her talent is the reason why she could be club president at her age.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Under Yukari's shadow for the most part of her appearances, she showed Ensuu that her right hand is not her only sword hand when she got too injured to hold her sword properly with it.
- I Am Not Right Handed
- Lamarck Was Right: Her fencing ability is mentioned in the same breath as her mother being a three-time world champion.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Against Ensuu.
- Naomi Shindo
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Hints of this are dropped during the school festival, with her fatalistic view of what would happen during the duel against Ensuu and Meiko. Later chapters give us even more instances...
Maki (complete with sparkles and dramatic fist-clenching): [referring to Akira being struck in the ribs] She's taking such a hit like it's nothing special. Next time, I too shall...! |
Maki: Even if my arms get broken, |
Nancy: (taunting) You'd look good covered in wounds! |
- Satellite Character: At first, her claim to fame is being the partner of Ayana's ex-partner.
- Spirited Competitor: The sheer joy and excitement she shows at being able to fight the student council without having to fulfill any preset requirement says it all.
Ju Ensuu[]
The main reason behind Ayana and Yukari splitting up in the past. Has little qualms about causing major injury to her opponents, and even her own partner admits to being afraid of her sometimes. Her speech is usually rendered in either surprisingly grammatically accurate Mandarin, acknowledged by Hayashiya to have been translated by a colleague of her editor's friend; or, as is more often in recent appearances, in differently-outlined speech bubbles.
- Akeno Watanabe
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Lions. Admit it.
- Beast: Ensuu has been called this plenty of times. It's like her title.
- The Berserker
- Blood Knight: She's not in it for prestige or ranking, and is so obsessed with fighting her "same kind" Ayana that she throws all restrictions out the window when finally seeing the latter after a long wait.
- Chinese Girl: Both subverted and played straight.
- Evil Duo: With Meiko.
- Finish Dialogue in Unison: In different languages, but she still manages this with Nagi during the hike.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: Her tasseled sword can be seen as this.
- In Love with Your Carnage: Pretty much explains her fixation on Ayana.
- Killer Yoyo: As a projectile weapon against Maki.
- Lightning Bruiser
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Her preferred method of fighting; if she gets serious, don't expect to walk out of the battle with only minor injuries.
- Slasher Smile
- Spell My Name with an "S"
Himuro Meiko[]
Ensuu's partner, who, like her, doesn't care for rank, money or Hitsugi's title. When given the opportunity to return to the student council, she turns it down, choosing to fight comers with Ensuu at their current rank. Claims to enjoy observing people.
- Bilingual Backfire: Her musing (in Japanese) after the fight against the Someya/Kamijou pair is picked up by Ensuu, who responds to it in Mandarin. Meiko even asks aloud, "You understood that?"
- Evil Duo: With Ensuu.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Fun with Foreign Languages: She's the only one who understands anything that comes out of Ensuu's mouth, and can use it to her own advantage.
- Lady Macbeth
- Manipulative Bastard
- Meganekko: Faked.
- Mitsuki Saiga
- Passive Aggressive Combat: She and Sae have some problems with each other.
- Psychotic Smirk
- Smug Smiler
- Troll: Loves to wind people up just For the Evulz.
Kurogane Nagi[]
First making an appearance (in person) during the events of Volume 8, the older Nagi has been the subject of Twin Switch with her sister on occasion. After being in rehabilitation for an unknown condition, she later enrolls as a student holding the Sword Scholarship as well.
- Blush Sticker: Surprising for some, cute to others.
- Evil Twin: This is still open to interpretation.
- Finish Dialogue in Unison: With Ensuu during the hike.
- Happily Adopted
- New Transfer Student: Hayate gets her new roommate to show her around, Nagi gets Shizuku. When one considers that Momoka was asked by Shizuku to accompany Hayate, Nagi probably got a better deal.
- No Sense of Direction: She gets lost in the underground sewers at least twice.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Shonen Hair
- Sibling Yin-Yang: It is not that difficult to tell the twins apart, actually.
Takarada Riona[]
A budding comedian and victim of Domestic Abuse. Recent appearances have associated her with little else aside those two traits, which is either hilarious or sad, depending on who you ask. This is accentuated with the contrast between that and the way she was introduced, which made her seem more of an Onee-Sama with elements of Distressed Damsel.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: "Onigashima". Another pun here is that this name ties in to the Theme Naming of the Momotaro-gumi.
- Cringe Comedy: What the aforementioned comedy routine is to everyone else. Heavy on the "cringe" and very light on the "comedy" in-universe.
- Happiness in Slavery
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling
- No Accounting for Taste: She herself admits that nobody else would even consider Ouka a viable partner.
- Flanderization
- Stockholm Syndrome
Kiriya Ouka[]
Riona's partner who smacks her around at least as violently as Ayana does to Hayate, a sign that there is a Double Standard and that All Girls Want Bad Boys, if only for (Riona's perceived) comedic purposes.
- Beleaguered Assistant
- Jerkass
- Kick the Dog
- Ungrateful Bastard
- She got a bit more grateful when she realized Riona enjoyed the abuse, though.
Student Council[]
Amachi Hitsugi[]
The person behind the concept and implementation of hoshitori, and almost certainly the most powerful person in Tenchi Gakuen, both combat-wise and authority-wise. Has a strong fondness for the things that interest her. Her voice can become loud enough to make mics squeal horribly.
Also, is completely insane.
Hitsugi: Oh, I'm afraid that my legs... are made of steel. |
- Barehanded Blade Block
- Big Damn Heroes
- Black Knight: What she claims to be while riding a horse, with the entrance as typical of a Knight in Shining Armor. It has to be seen to be believed.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Childhood Friends: With Shizuku.
- The Gadfly: At times.
- Insane Troll Logic: "Basis? I've never once in my life bothered making decisions with any kind of basis!" (bonus points for shouting it all at the conclusion of a hammy moment, extra bonus points because it was a serious issue, extra extra bonus points because it was plot relevant.)
- It Amused Me
- Large Ham: And a most fabulous one at that.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner
Hitsugi: Now then... Hoshikawa-san... Let us dance! |
- Screwy Squirrel: There are various instances of her messing with students for her own enjoyment, or sn****ring to herself when watching others on camera.
- Something About a Rose
- Student Council President: Coupled with her other positions, Hitsugi is placed at the pinnacle of the school hierarchy.
Miyamoto Shizuku[]
Hitsugi's shinyuu, and thus the one standing beside her in the shared position of that above all in Tenchi. She is the one responsible for ringing the bell that signals the start and end of hoshitori battles. An extreme Determinator who has trained beyond the realms of common sense.
- Barehanded Blade Block
- Childhood Friends: With Hitsugi.
- Determinator
- Dual-Wielding: She is shown using Hitsugi's sheath as a weapon in the council battle.
- Later on, readers also get to see her using two swords on the hike.
- Hachimaki
- Hot-Blooded: Sadly, the more cynical Tatewaki and Akira just think she's taking it too far.
- Idiots Cannot Catch Colds: Averted.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Miki Nagasawa
- Servile Snarker
- Sheath Twirling
- Spirited Competitor
- Straight Man
- Undying Loyalty
- Working Through the Cold: It... doesn't really work.
Mikado Akira[]
Ojou of the reputable Mikado family, with a fixation on defeating Hitsugi. Because of complicated and not-really-elaborated-on reasons, if/when she defeats Hitsugi, Tenchi will "become hers" and the hoshitori system will be abolished.
- Actor Allusion: Some think of this because Akira is voiced by Minagawa Junko, otherwise well-known for her role as Akira.
- Aloof Ally: She only answers to Hayate's calls of "teacher" 3 volumes later.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Sae.
- Badass
- Badass Longcoat
- Bedmate Reveal
- Berserk Button: Call her Mikadon and watch her lose it spectacularly.
- Bifauxnen: With a 80-member strong fanclub of Meganekko that she didn't know about until Sae told her.
- Big Heroic Run
- Bishie Sparkle
- Boyish Short Hair: Her hair is much shorter in flashbacks.
- Catapult Nightmare: Before her fight with Hitsugi.
- Chick Magnet
- Clueless Chick Magnet: She's pretty much the last person to know about her fan club.
- The Coats Are Off: Knocking out 80 people in the process.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Later chapters will reveal that Akira can express something besides grouchiness.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Mikadon.
- Even the Girls Want Her: She has an 80-person fan club at an all-girls school, after all.
- Forgotten First Meeting: She thinks she met Sae at her family's annual foundation party. She's wrong.
- Heir Club for Men
- Heroes Love Dogs: Right after she decides not to turn Tenchi over to her father, she is shown to have a dog.
- Hidden Eyes: Near the end of her confrontation with her father
- Hope Spot: During her fight with Hitsugi. Sae has left the battlefield with Ryouichi, and both sides are pretty well drained. Akira has Hitsugi on her knees and strikes the final blow--but then, at the start of the next chapter, just as Akira's starting to appreciate her victory, her uniform turns black.
- Iaijutsu Practitioner
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Her sword-drawing speed.
- In-Series Nickname: Shisho.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Junko Minagawa
- Leaning on the Furniture
- Mentor: To Hayate, of all people.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You
- Pose of Supplication
- Self-Made Man
- Shout-Out: "We'll name it Akira Cantabile!" Akira, on the other hand, is less than amused.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Sae's girly girl.
- The Unfavorite: Her father refuses to acknowledge her because she's a girl.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
Inori Sae[]
Akira's childhood friend and shinyuu, who apparently will be getting married to Akira's cousin Ryouichi after graduating from high school. A sharp character who calmly takes in and sees through the various intriguing affairs around the school.
- Arranged Marriage
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Akira.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Blade on a Stick: At the end of the hike.
- Bifurcated Weapon: Temporary Dual-Wielding for the win.
- Double Weapon
- The Gadfly
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Attempts this when she thinks Akira's being a touch too sulky.
- Hidden Eyes: Right before ditching Ryouichi.
- Hyper Awareness
- Hyperspace Mallet: Though not as huge as those commonly associated with the trope, a hammer in her hand is a hammer not to be messed with. Just ask Akira, who would have been severely damaged if the hammer in question had really come into contact with her (broken ribs).
- Impossibly Cool Weapon
- In-Series Nickname: Inorin.
- Passive Aggressive Combat
- Say It with Hearts
- Shizuka Ito
- Stealth Hi Bye
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly girl to Akira's tomboy.
Hoshikawa Kurea[]
A former S-ranker who had wanted to take Hitsugi's place, and is said to have bribed her shinyuu Minori with food. Brilliant but Lazy, she lives to oppose things like hard work and determination, preferring to prepare far in advance and master essentials instead.
- Aloof Ally: Especially after volume 5's council battle.
- Brains and Brawn: The brains of the Hoshikawa/Tsukishima duo. Not that it helped. At all.
- Curb Stomped: Leading to a Break the Haughty. She's fighting back up.
- Hard Work Hardly Works: She became part of the student council mostly because of her modified weapons and Minori, rather than any particular effort.
- I Broke a Nail: Earlier appearances looked like they were paving the way for this trope to be invoked, as she is shown paying much attention to her nails, and was the one behind her class operating a nail salon in the school festival. Surprise! In the mountain hike arc, she is hardly troubled by her nails becoming dirty and ragged from roughing it out.
- Yumi Kakazu
Tsukishima Minori[]
A kentaisei whose small size belies her great physical strength. Simple-minded and has difficulty when it comes to thinking about complex matters. She aims to build a campus made of candy after rising to the top.
- Balloon Belly
- Big Eater: One scene has her wondering aloud whether she has more than one stomach.
- Brains and Brawn: Kurea does all the brainy stuff, so Minori only has to worry about protecting her.
- Cute Bruiser: Minori is a very small girl, with a very large sword.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Fumiko Orikasa
- Sweet Tooth
Shidou "Sid" Misako[]
Promoted to S-rank after the position was turned down by Ensuu and Meiko. A self-proclaimed punk that sees the Sex Pistols as her role models and whose English vocabulary seems to consist of slang, swear words and nothing else. Resents Akira for some inexplicable reason, though some theorize that it has to do with the latter's sorta-punkish image and their shared affinity for music.
- BFS: "It was hell before getting promoted to A!"
- Bifauxnen: Though not exactly charming due to her foul mouth.
- Blade Across the Shoulder
- Bokukko: Or rather orekko.
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie: Tries to invoke this after her match with Akira.
- Gratuitous English: With Obligatory Swearing.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: It's a BFS that weighs like a bass.
- Large Ham
Nancy: What's a punk!? |
- Massive Numbered Siblings
- Shout-Out: Her nickname is based on bass player Sid Vicious
- Sir Swearsalot
- Symbol Swearing
Tonami "Nancy" Shuu[]
Sid's partner. Has no idea where the nickname "Nancy" comes from. Born and raised in Yokosuka, which influenced her knife-based fighting style.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Becomes interested in Sae after their fight.
- Knife Nut
- I Shall Taunt You: See the exchange with Sid above.
- Leaning on the Furniture
- Shout-Out: The nickname "Nancy" comes from Nancy Sprungen.
Kotake Rina[]
Leader of the hoshitori judges.
Uryuu Ai[]
Captain of the Nurse Corps.
- Battle Aura
- Blood Knight: Sort of. At any rate, she's very enthusiastic about people getting hurt in their fights.
- Hospital Hottie
- Red Oni
[Info Goes Here]
- Lolicon: Hayate has received multiple marriage proposals from her. It seems to be a regular thing for both of them.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Chiharu has some of this.
- Or at least, this is the impression one gets until she asks Ayana to marry her.
Benibachi Kiyoko[]
[Info Goes Here]
Kurogane Nagare[]
The Kurogane twins' parent.
Yanagi/Yagyuu Makoto[]
A Retired Badass of sorts, being the first ever kentaisei to graduate. Cool Big Sis to Hayate, who calls her "oyabin".
- Keigo: Makoto speaks in a fashion not unlike that of period dramas or gang warfare.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Spell My Name with an "S": She'd rather go by "Yagyuu".
Tatewaki Hikaru[]
Whatever, really.
- Badass Normal: To an almost pitiful degree; Tatewaki is one of the few characters actually capable of following Hitsugi's impossibly fast movements... but she can't swordfight at all so there isn't much use she can put it to.
- Butt Monkey: Tatewaki gets no love. At all.
- Four Is Death: Brought up in an omake; Hitsugi thinks Tatewaki should appear in Volume 4 for this very reason. Tatewaki really gets no love at all.
- Mayumi Asano
- Unrequited Love: Can't help but feel sorry for Tatewaki sometimes...
- Yes-Man: Not that Hitsugi cares that Tatewaki thinks everything she says or does is akin to holy testament.
- ↑ Japanese for Dual-Wielding; it's also a euphemism for bisexuality.