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  • From the premiere of the 200x series' second season, "The Last Stand" from the 2002 series, He-Man fights against all of Skeletor's Evil Warriors and the Council of Evil - beating a lot of them silly despite being outnumbered. The tide does turn against him, but by then, he's held out long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
    • Even before he transforms and faces the villains as just Prince Adam to delay them as long as possible.
  • In "Second Skin," Orko tries to interrogate the captured General Rattlor about King Hiss's latest plan. Rattlor won't answer any questions and even threatens his interrogator. Ultimately, Orko whips out a mongoose, makes it grow with his magic and lets it try to break into Rattlor's cell.

 "Keep it away! I'll talk! I'll talk!"

  • In "History," Tung Lashor unknowingly interrupts a By the Power of Grayskull moment and tries to eat Adam. Cringer responds by biting down on the Snake Man and sending him flying into the brush.
    • He-Man's battle against King Hiss and Rattlor on a river of flowing lava.
    • He-Man destroying the Well of Darkness in front Evil-Lyn and Count Marzo, thus keeping Hordak imprisoned.