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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • The reason characters like Orko, Battle Cat and the lot weren't in the film? Listen closely near the begining, you'll hear one of the characters say that many of the Masters had been captured by Skeletor's forces, very clever writting!

Fridge Horror[]

  • At the end of the film, the plucky teenage couple arrange to be returned to Earth a few years earlier, so the girl can save her parents from dying in a plane crash. Great! Happy ending! Except... they're trapped in their own past. They'll grow up and have to go through the whole nightmare again. In fact, worst case scenario, they've just trapped themselves in a time loop and will spend the rest of infinity constantly reliving those few years.
    • Not necessarily, Eternian magic can alter reality in which the heroes and the villains never came to Earth. And may have done the same with Detective Lubic.
    • I'm pretty sure (considering the fact that he wished to stay) Lubic was exepted from anything like that.