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  • In the '02 series episode, "Turnabout," Skeletor is forced to wear a belt that zaps him if he does or even thinks about anything evil. Since he can't just take it off (though he tried; cue an increasingly over-the-top series of groin attacks), this leads to him trying to be nice to fool the belt (such as sipping tea and complimenting Evil-Lyn on her nails) while his troops purposely try to make him angry. Then he and his warriors try to turn the tables on He-Man, with a few difficulties.

 Skeletor: Turnabout is fair play, He-Man! Henceforth, youaaaaaaaaaargh!


[to Evil-Lyn] You tell him.

  • An entire episode of the 2002 series, "The Sweet Smell Of Victory", is devoted to the surprisingly slapsticky origin and rise of Stinkor, a forgotten character from the original toyline whose sole talent is smelling terrible. And making him into a credible threat.

 Stratos [with his Sean Connery-like voice]: My friends, I'm afraid that a new evil has arrived in Eternia. Something... stinky.

    • And the episode fittingly ends with a fart joke... Apparently Skeletor finds flatulence hilarious.
  • The 2002 series episode "Of Machines And Men" starts out with Eternia-wide technological problems. This is largely played for laughs, with Man-E-Faces getting stuck between two personas and a background gag of Buzz-Off trying to fix Mekaneck's neck, but nothing beats the Snake Mountain sequence.

 Skeletor: Where is that infernal Trap-Jaw? I sent him on a simple reconnaissance mission, too...

[his vessel crashes through the ceiling; Panthor is struck by a small rock and leaves in annoyance]

Skeletor: Quite a landing, Trap-Jaw. What do you have to say for yourself?

Trap-Jaw: [mouth stuck open] AaaAaaAaaAaaAaaAaaAaaAaaAaa!

Evil-Lyn: Apparently nothing.

[to the side, Tri-Clops walks directly into a stalagmite]

  • In the generally excrable Christmas special, Skeletor falls under the influence of the holiday, leading to this little exchange:

 Skeletor: What is wrong with me!?

He-Man: It's the spirit of Christmas, Skeletor. It's making you feel good.

Skeletor: (growling in evident frustration) I don't like feeling good. I like feeling evil.

He-Man: (unable to hide his amusement) Don't worry, Skeletor. Christmas only comes once a year

Skeletor: Oh, thank badness!

    • Another hilarious moment comes earlier, as Skeletor is trying to fight the influence of the Christmas Spirit after having just rescued the two Earth children he was delivering to Horde Prime:

 Little Girl: Thank you Skeletor, you saved us! You really are wonderful!

Skeletor: *looks up at the sky and smiles for a moment, before shaking his head and going back to his evil demeanor* Listen, I am not nice, I am not kind, and I am not wonderful!

  • The Filmation episode The Region Of Ice is probably the Crowning Episode Of Funny for the Filmation series, containing a number of CMOFs:
    • When all the others, including Adam, are captured by the Ice Lord, and kept as hostages so the famous He-Man will agree to rescue the Ice Lord's daughter Snowflake from Skeletor, Orko tries to convince the Ice Lord that he's He-Man. The Ice Lord finds the idea just as ridiculous as the audience does...
    • ...but then Orko actually succeeds in convincing him when he through pure luck actually manages to get through the "test" the Ice Lord sets for him.
    • And then he manages to get Adam set free by convincing the Ice Lord that Adam is his "assistant." Cue Adam clearly trying not to laugh as he thanks "He-Man" for rescuing him.
    • Later on, when He-Man and Orko rescue Snowflake, she asks which of them is He-Man, and He-Man quips: "Don't ask Orko, he just gets confused."
    • Skeletor gets some really good lines in this episode as well.
      • When staring into his magical monitor: "The Ice King has done something to my reception in the Ice Mountains! All I get is snow!"
      • And then, when Beastman wanders in after a fight with He-Man, wearing a gigantic cooking pot on his head (It Makes Sense in Context), Skeletor's only reaction is an annoyed: "Beastman, is this supposed to be funny?!" As if Beastman made a habit of clowning around on the job.
    • And Snowflake, despite being set up as the episode's Distressed Damsel, proves to be more of a Badass in Distress who, even before her rescuers show up, uses her powers from the cage she's locked up in to put Beastman through a number of pranks (creating snow to fall of him, making ice for him to slip on, and so forth).
  • The 2002 episode Second Skin has a hilarious scene in which Orko is trying to get information out of a captive General Rattlor... and finally getting him to talk by siccing a giant mongoose on him.
  • In one Filmation episode ("Journey to Stone City"), the plot is driven not by Skeletor but by the idiots he surrounds himself with, who decide to steal a "Life Bringer" machine. The first Skeletor learns of this is when He-Man shows up at Snake Mountain and starts beating the door down. Quickly confirming that the thing He-Man wants is what Evil-Lyn and the others are standing in front of, Skeletor turns back to the window: "Sorry, He-Man, haven't seen it!"
    • He-Man, of course, doesn't believe him, and Skeletor decides to keep the thing simply because He-Man wants it. His resolve lasts for all of ten seconds when He-Man's continued blows threaten to bring the tower down.