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  • Adam bringing Adora home for the first time. Bonus points for the Sorceress having made sure that Adam got all the credit, likely countering the years of dissapointment he'd receive from having to play the fool.
  • Teela telling the Sorceress that, while she's never known her mother, she wishes she'd be just like the Sorceress. Especially since the Sorceress IS her mother.
    • And right before that, the Sorceress congratulates Teela on a job well-done by saying, "Your mother would-- is proud of you."
  • While Teela spends the series wondering about the identity of her mother she apparently never wondered about her biological father. Man-At-Arms is the only father she's ever known or needed.
  • In "The Last Stand," after Skeletor's forces are beaten back from Castle Grayskull, the Masters assess the damage and their next move. He-Man, meanwhile, comforts an injured Cringer, who had earlier taken a blast while helping defend the castle.
  • In "Separation," Sy-Klone laments not having a family anymore. With Roboto's help, he searches out possible descendents - only to find nothing. At the end of the episode, though, his mood is improved. Why? Well, as he tells Roboto, he's realized that he does have a family after all - the Masters.