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Heart of Gold, Soul of Silver is a Pokémon fan fiction appearing on Deviant ART, and more recently, on Fanfiction.net. Taylor Aurum and her younger brother Jack go on their Pokemon journeys with their friends. Taylor initially just wants to help Professor Elm and get badges, but she soon has to help uncover a series of devious plots.
The fan fiction is written by the troper PokeNerd, and is always updated first on Deviant ART. The updates have no real schedule, but that will change.
It can be found on DeviantArt here [dead link] and on Fanfiction.net here.
Tropes used in Heart of Gold, Soul of Silver include:
- A Form You Are Comfortable With The legendary Pokémon, and Fiore of the Unown, are able to take on humanoid forms to avoid being pursued by human hunters.
- Agent Mulder Taylor, Jack, Satoko,
- Blonde, Brunette, Blue Hair Satoko is a blonde, Taylor is a brunette, Alea has hair dyed blue. Her actual hair color is never elaborated on.
- Brother-Sister Team Taylor and Jack Aurum
- Childhood Friend Romance
- Cloudcuckoolander Most of the main cast.
- Cute Bruiser Aaron(Taylor and Jack's father)'s Skitty, Kiki.
- Eldritch Abomination Fiore the Unown
- Eldritch Location The Unown dimension
- Even Evil Has Standards
- Five-Man Band They deviate from their 'roles', but it's basically there. These also tend to overlap.
- The Hero Taylor or Jack, it depends on who gets the spotlight.
- The Lancer Isaac. He gets along well with Taylor, unlike most Lancers. While Taylor is socially inept among anyone she doesn't know, Isaac is the life of the party.
- The Smart Guy Taylor, despite already having the role as The Hero. Her intelligence is confirmed to be extremely high.
- The Chick Satoko is the one who keeps the group of raging geeks under control. Also The Medic. Satoko is actually very good at battling, despite her medic status.
- The Big Guy
- The Sixth Ranger Alea, in the fact that she is a late addition to the team.
- Team Pet Fiore
- Genki Girl Taylor and Alea
- Gratuitous German Deepthroat is fluent in German(Word of God hasn't said if he is German or not), Taylor only speaks some of it.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen Deepthroat
- Reality Warper Fiore
- Room Full of Crazy
- The Wonka Again, most of the main cast.
- Theme Naming Many of the main character's last names are all names of metals. (Aurum, Argentum, Argyros)
- Title Drop Fiore refers to Taylor as the Heart of Gold.
- Unusual Euphemism Transformers-style euphemisms are popular with Taylor, but pretty much anything goes, be it pop culture, nonsensical gibberish or random phrases.
Taylor: "What the slag is going on here?" |