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Say what you want about Disneyfication, but there's no denying the warm and fuzzy feelings these moments from the best-known names in Western animation give us.

Other Films[]

  • The end of the "Pomp and Circumstance" segment from Fantasia 2000
    • This, just this. From the original Fantasia. Religious or not, this is the perfect foil to the absolutely terrifying 'Night on Bald Mountain.'
    • The Rhapsody in Blue segment from Fantasia 2000.
    • The ending of "The Firebird Suite" in 2000, when the stag helps the newly-reborn forest sprite bring life to the devastated forest, all set to the segment music's awesome finale.
  • The Small One: everything from "I need a gentle donkey, to carry my wife to Bethlehem" to the end.
  • In Brother Bear, when Koda snuggled up to Kenai, mumbling "I always wanted a brother..."
    • Koda throwing himself into Kenai's arms, dispite Kenai now being human. AAAW.
    • Kenai choosing to remain a bear so he can watch over Koda.
  • The scene in Pocahontas where she visits John Smith as he's imprisoned. "No matter what happens, I'll always be with you... forever." Cue heart-dissolving and lip-quivering from the sheer sweetness of that scene. It's even better accomponied by the deleted song.
    • Not to mention the entire sequence "Colors of the Wind" and when they share their first kiss.
    • Meeko comforting Percy, when he's visibly traumatised by Kocoum's death, and setting aside their differences.
  • Lady and the Tramp: Spaghetti kiss. Aww.
    • From the sequel, Scamp's Adventure, we get the entire sequence of "I Didn't Know I Could Feel This Way"
  • The Game Plan, anyone?
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: "Smile, Darn Ya, Smile" always reminds me of how much cartoons mean to me.
  • While it might be a major Mind Screw (It was a collaboration with Salvador Dali, after all. Yes, that Salvador Dali), Destino also manages to be a major Crowning Moment of Heartwarming once you start to figure out all the heavy symbolism. In particular, the final shot, with the silhouette of the bell inside the statue's heart? D'awwwww. [1]
  • Pinocchio: The ending, when Pinocchio comes back to life as a real boy. Before that, it was believed that he died from the attack by Monstro after saving his father.
  • In One Hundred and One Dalmatians, there's of course the Dalmatian family reuniting with the Radcliffe family at the end, with Roger promptly deciding to keep all 101 Dalmatians, just as Pongo had predicted.

Other TV[]

  • Gummi Bears in "Up, Up and Away," when Cubbi is so moved by Gruffi's parting gift, a plaque with his likeness entitled "Sir Cubbi" that he tells the departing Chummi that he can't leave his family, regardless of the fact that he is throwing away seemingly his one chance of being a knight. When he returns, the Glen Gummis, Cavin and Princess Calla make it up to him by arranging a formal ceremony where the Princess fulfills Cubbi's dream as best she can by dubbing the young Gummi "The Unseen Knight and the Secret Defender of Dunwyn."
  • Even Bonkers had one of these. In "Is Toon Fur Really Warm?", the scene where Marilyn and Skunky Skunk hug each other and this is after Skunky said he doesn't want to do a girls' birthday party because it would ruin his reputation and make him look soft. Jerk with a Heart of Gold, anyone?

 Marilyn (holding Skunky):You'll always be my favorite even though we'll never meet. Say, you're pretty warm. What am I talking about? It's just a doll.

Skunky (springing to life):Nope-a-roo! It's caaaandid skunk!

Marilyn:Skunky! It's you! (they hug)

  • Furthermore, The Fluppy Dogs pilot had a gently subtle one. The young boy, having just gotten one of the Fluppy aliens, Tibby, out of the pound is told that he can't keep her, but he should offer her to a teenage next door neighbor, Claire. The boy, convinced that the girl hates him, comes to her front door to first awkwardly apologize for bugging her before trying to convince her, preparing for her to blow up in his face. Instead, he has that great moment a child's life when he realizes when someone he fears turns out to be far more pleasant than expected when she forgives him, just before her heart melts at sight of Tibby.
  • The finale for Pepper Ann should also count.
  • A meta-example: Has anyone noticed the back-to-back movies in Disney's Sizzlin' Summer block? Entirely Pixar. Either John Lasseter being the CEO has something to do with it, or Disney's finally forgotten their buyout of Pixar for a summer and said, "Hey, guys...we have a surprise for you...instead of wasting our time on our movies...let's let you have a month instead. You earned it." Sure, to some it sounds like a cheap cop-out. But to others, it means--perhaps there is a heart underneath all the merchandise.
  1. If you're having some difficulty figuring out what all the symbolism means (it is pretty obtuse), it is, at heart, a love story between a woman and the god Cronos.