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Basic Trope: A Mook comes back with heavier armor and, typically, slower movement speed

  • Straight: Bob faces goblins in Level 1, which come back many levels later decked out in armor plating.
  • Exaggerated: The goblins Bob faces come back wearing full suits of armor, carrying 6-foot tower shields, and surrounded by energy fields.
  • Justified: The goblins in question are well-versed in all forms of blacksmithing, so whipping up a suit of armor is no chore.
  • Inverted: The goblins return wearing absolutely no clothing at all, in the hopes that greater speed, combined with Bob's gasps of surprise mixed with horror, will give them the edge.
  • Subverted: The goblins appear to be wearing armor plating, but it is actually just a cheap cardboard costume made to look like armor.
  • Double Subverted: ...but that "fake" armor is actually on top of real armor.
  • Parodied: The goblins return with various pieces of dilapidated armor on, with doesn't do anything to actually protect them but greatly hinders their movement and causes them to trip over themselves repeatedly.
  • Deconstructed: Wearing all that heavy armor wears the goblins down so much that soon they are too tired to move and Bob is able to simply walk by.
  • Reconstructed: The goblins undergo rigorous training in the wearing of heavy armor to ensure they have the stamina to keep going while wearing it.
  • Zig Zagged: ?????
  • Averted: The goblins return in more-or-less the same form as before
  • Enforced: The game designers were running on a tight budget and needed to recycle sprites to save money, so they just added more armor to the old ones and hoped nobody would notice.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Where did you get a full suit of armor?"
    • "Why weren't we wearing these thing to start off with?"
  • Invoked: The goblins, tired of their constant losses to Bob, hold planning meetings and decide to require all goblins to wear full body-armor at all times.
  • Exploited: Alice uses a metal manipulation spell to crush the goblins with their own armor.
  • Defied: The same meeting occurs, but the goblins decide that the armor is too expensive and decide to do nothing.
  • Discussed: "Why is it that every time I kill something it shows up later with armor plating?"
  • Conversed: "Why does every video game we play feature the same Mooks over and over with more and more armor?"

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