Hejibits is a webcomic by John Kleckner. hejibits started when John posted some of his drawn works of which he posted on Deviant ART which were the first of the roommate comics. They were received well, and various friends of his inspired him to make the webcomic of which has now been running for a full year.
The current content of the comic ranges from being a typical gaming comic to reflecting on the many real life instances of which John has to put up with on a daily basis (most notably revolving around his roommate in the earlier comics). The format of the comics itself is a mixture of that of Awkward Zombie's comics with the content and hiimdaisy's Persona 4 comics with the facial expressions of which are used within the comics...except far more exaggerated.
John's Deviant ART page can be found here.
Tropes that apply to Hejibits:[]
- Alt Text: On every comic.
- Big Eater: During the Summer in this comic. During the school year however...
- Driven to Suicide: John in this comic. Lampshaded in the Alt Text.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: The punchline for many comics.
- Kleptomaniac Hero: Shown in this comic.
- Take That: To people that quote and reference memes way too much.