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  • Lobster Johnson, of the Hellboy universe, has oodles of these, but two that stand out particularly are:
    • Upon discovering the location of the enemy fortress, what does The Lobster do? Sneak in quietly? Try not alert any of the guards? Fuck that, he blows the front door off and mows every henchman down with a Tommy gun!
    • His mere existence in the current day of the Hellboy world. The most powerful ghost in the whole of the 'verse through sheer willpower and commitment to justice.
  • In Box Full Of Evil, he defeats Ualac by ripping off his newly grown horns and stabbing him with them.
  • Towards the end of "The Wolves of St. August", Hellboy has had enough of William Gernier's self-righteous justifications. When will announces he is "much sinned against", HB scream "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE A GOD-DAMNED FISH! YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" He's then thrown out of the room screaming "YOU HEAR ME?!" It's an amazing showing of just how far you have to push Hellboy before he starts beating things.

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