"HellfireComms; it'll happen eventually!"
"We don't do two takes."
Hellfire-Commentaries is a commentary group based mainly on Youtube and Blip.tv, and now branching off to a site of their own.
Founded by NTom64 and The Helldragon, they partake in MTS3K-style riffs on various video games, movies and television episodes.
Members of the group include:
- NTom64, co-founder and main commentator of HellfireComms
- TheHelldragon, co-founder and commentator on the Kingdom Hearts series, and various others.
- Fastest Thing Alive, head of Find the Computer Room and commentator on the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
- TheGamingBrit, game critic and occasional commentator.
- Mexirican Bass Monkey, commentator on the Legend of Zelda series and Pokemon speed runner.
- Cold Chaos, commentator on various different titles on both Youtube and Blip.
- Datai, commentator on various different Nintendo games on both Youtube and Blip.
- sskinner, commentator of any game on both Youtube and Blip.
- thesnake383,commentator on various titles who can be found on both Youtube and Blip.
- RespawnPoint, Youtube game commentator and frequent Twitch streamer.
Older members who no longer contribute to the site for one reason or another:
- AxelRyman, Youtube LPer and commentator on various Action/RPG games.
- Greatzombieron, movie reviewer and commentator on retro/puzzle game series.
- IRTundraBoy, commentator on any game series.
- BigAl2K6, Blip ranter and commentator on various films.
- Captainblue50, technical advisor and commentator on various films.
- LuizPrower, Youtube LPer and commentator on various films and TV shows.
- RandomDCE, creator of random vids on Youtube, and commentator on various films.
- SonicMovies, creator of Sonic the Hedgehog movies, and commentator on various Sonic games and films.
- MrPoT4tO, technical support, in charge of media etc.
Affiliated websites:
- Find the Computer Room, FTA's aforementioned site.
- Hot Pants Action Webcast (HPAW), a fellow podcast/commentary group.
- The Busy Street, a review site targeting various internet-based media, also with its own podcast.
- GTA Complete.
Tom has also done a hilarious dramatic reading of the ever so infamous My Immortal. The complete reading can be found here. [dead link]
- Aborted Playthrough: Their second run of Sonic '06 — lack of material and/or interest got the better of them.
- Actually Pretty Funny: FTA's line during the Sonic Unleashed playthrough (before the Dark Moray boss), which could be considered an Incredibly Lame Pun if not for the fact that NTom applauded him for it:
NTom: What's a moray? |
- "Ow. That was good." (Helldragon, regarding Tom)
- In the Disaster Movie commentary, both Tom and Ron were genuinely amused when the main character was accidentally impaled by Prince Caspian, even though it was only a dream sequence.
- They also decided this about a single joke in The Harlem Globetrotters Meet Snow White (the fact that the dwarfs eat shortcake for dessert).
- Any Torment You Can Walk Away From: From the Sonic Adventure playthrough:
Tails: All's well that ends well, right? |
- Ambiguously Gay: Done several times, almost always by FTA.
- Anachronic Order: The Disney-thon — of the commentaries that were finished, most of them were recorded out of order.
- Also, Sonic and the Secret Rings[1] — 4 of the 7 World Rings are collected after fighting Erazor Djinn.
- Analogy Backfire: In the Brutal Legend playthrough — Tom compares their own group's Power Trio to that of Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, but after assigning Daniel as Ed and Ron as Edd, he finds that the remaining pair (himself and Eddy) don't match at all.
- And Call Him George: In the Half-Life 2 playthrough, they decide to name a random scanner "Barry" before destroying it with the crowbar. They do it again later with a pair of Antlions after obtaining a pheropod, naming one of them Mr. Kitty.
- Angrish: "Restart your sentence, kthnx." (NTom, to FTA after a bout of this trope during the Sonic '06 playthrough)
- Tom himself isn't immune to this, as he and Ron slipped into it a few times during the X-Men Origins: Wolverine commentary.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Helldragon sums up Dragonball Evolution:
Helldragon: Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, lettuce. |
- Awesome McCoolname: "Hellfire", natch.
- A Wizard Did It: During the first Sonic '06 playthrough, when asked by FTA to explain things like plot-holes, magic mirrors, and all sorts, Tom's answer is almost always "Magic".
Tom: Don't question the logic of this game, because there is none. |
- He uses the "Magic" explanation quite frequently, actually (along with "Don't bother questioning video game logic".
- And there's the occasional variation — Metal, Dance, Tim Burton, etc.
- He uses the "Magic" explanation quite frequently, actually (along with "Don't bother questioning video game logic".
- Atomic F-Bomb: "Excuse me for ten seconds, please *leaves computer* WHAT THE FUCK!"
- Aw, Look — They Really Do Love Each Other: Despite NTom and FTA's constant arguing and insults, there are times when they'll actually agree. Not much, though...
- Berserk Button: Don't bring up the Captain mission from |Sonic '06 to FTA, trust us on that one. When that came around, he completely snapped:
FTA: ...WHAT?! You're fucking jo- please tell me you're joking on that, please tell me, tell me he, I, just, ....e-e-excuse me for ten seconds please..." (Leaves his mic) "WHAT THE FUCK?! GRAAAAAAHH!"[2] |
- Don't EVER call their playthroughs "Lets Plays", unless you want NTom to kill you.
- Also, never call Greatzombieron by his real name, or he will end you.
- Better Than a Bare Bulb: Invoked quite a few times, and finally noted by name, thanks to Tom in the Half-Life 2 playthrough.
- Beware the Nice Ones: While Tom is usually the calm one of the group, he did lose it during the ball puzzle from Silver's Dusty Desert from Sonic '06.
- Book Ends: In the Sonic '06 commentary, the first line Tom says after introducing himself is "This is a loading screen." Then, during the Sonic Unleashed commentary, Tom utters this once again before Perfect Dark Gaia is revealed.
FTA: Oh, God, it's Sonic '06 all over again! |
- Another example (albeit unintentional) happens in the Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys commentary. At the beginning, Helldragon mistakenly states that Pokémon 3 was not released in Western theaters. Tom corrects him. Then at the end, Tom mistakenly states that Pokémon Ranger and The Temple of The Sea was the last movie to feature the original voice actors. Helldragon corrects him.
- Kingdom Hearts II. In the segment directly after the prologue, Helldragon says the Innocent Innuendo quoted in the YMMV page, and Tom asks him to rephrase it. Then, before the finale (The World That Never Was), their roles are reversed:
- Brick Joke: DiZ's computer room. "Hey look, this guy's got 13 games of World of Warcraft going on at the same time..."
- A better example would be from the first Kingdom Hearts playthrough — NTom and Helldragon discussed a few times about which Keyblade is better: Metal Chocobo (Awesome Yet Practical) or Olympia (Less Awesome, But Slightly More Practical). Later: "Oh my, where has Metal Chocobo disappeared to?"
- Broken Aesop: Sonic 06:
FTA: If your parents are dead, and the only friend you ever had is about to be erased from history, just smile! |
- Butt Monkey: A little bit of everyone, but mostly Tom.
- IRTundraboy, on this site, having perused it during the Half-Life 2 playthrough, felt left out at it making no mention of him.
- Call Back: In the KHII playthrough — upon visiting the Hundred Acre Woods, there's some discussion similar to when they visited the area in the first game.
- In the Sonic CD playthrough, FTA references the later parts of the Sonic Unleashed playthrough (his previous appearance, nine months prior) several times.
FTA: "When's CD getting made?", "when's CD getting made?", fucking today! |
- Camp Straight: Skyler. Doesn't really help that he seemed perfectly okay with the prospect of dressing up as Classic Amy and dancing for FTA.
- "Hey, boys... do you know Classic Amy?" (Skyler)
- Catch Phrase: Each member has at least one.
- "Awesomesauce." (FTA)
- "Do I care?" (Helldragon)
- "Fuck that noise!" (Helldragon)
- "I don't know/care!" (Helldragon)
- "Well; wasn't that wonderful?" (NTom, at the end of each Dramatic Reading video)
- "Sky-Neville" and "Sky-Jesus", among other things starting with the prefix 'Sky' (N Tom, Skyward Sword)
- Celebrity Resemblance: In the Brutal Legend playthrough, Ron jokingly noted a resemblance between Tom and Jack Black. Tom denied this.
- In the Half-Life 2 playthrough, Tom compares Greatzombieron to Ron Weasley.
Ron: No I'm not, I'm fat. |
- Chekhov's Gag: Parasite Cage. First seen in the Kingdom Hearts playthrough, then given a Call Back in the Sonic '06 playthrough, and brought up again in the Kingdom Hearts II playthrough upon encountering Mecha-Cage.
- Chuck Norris Facts: This video.
- Cloudcuckoolander: greatzombieron.
- Cluster F-Bomb: During their second take on Sonic '06...
Helldragon: You know what? Fuck you Sonic, fuck you Tails, fuck you balls, fuck you Aquatic Base, fuck you Shadow, fuck you Silver, fuck you laser fence, fuck you Elise, FUCK EVERYONE! FUCK THIS GAME! |
- Also:
FTA:Fuck the fucking fuckers! |
- The Comically Serious: Tom is this in spades.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: When addressing the Schedule Slip in the Sonic and the Black Knight playthrough:
FTA: It's all Tom's fault; blame him. |
- Did Not Do the Research: They're pretty accurate with the stuff they discuss, but they can slip up from time to time. This is usually followed by them being corrected (by themselves, by their forumites, by us, etc).
- Disney Acid Sequence: NTom and FTA decide that the sixth special stage in Sonic CD is one of these.
- Don't Explain the Joke: Type 2, usually coming from NTom.
NTom: That was a penis joke. |
- Also given a thorough lampshading.
Helldragon: See, that's how you tell jokes: you tell people the jokes you're going to make, then you make them, then you tell them the joke you just made. |
- However, at least in TheHelldragon's opinion, this does not work for puns.
Helldragon: If you explain the pun, it doesn't work. Fail. |
- Dude, Not Funny: greatzombieron has made one or too quips that may have crossed the line — an autism joke during the Disaster Movie commentary, or a Haiti joke in the Brutal Legend playthrough. NTom and (in the latter case) IRTundraBoy were not amused, either way.
- "The autism is in your mind." (SonicMovies)
- Dull Surprise: Typically lampshaded whenever it shows up in the works they comment on. For instance, they reference one moment in Kingdom Hearts II thusly:
"Slight disappointment" |
- Even Evil Has Standards: "Aww, I can't cuss at you, Pooh; that'd just be mean." (Helldragon) Made funnier when NTom does, prompting the following exchange:
Helldragon: -gasp- Tom! |
- Everything's Worse with Bees: As of Kingdom Hearts II, bees have started to become NTom's equivalent to Helldragon's Goddamned Bats.
- Fan Boy: While FTA is quite the Sonic fanboy, The Helldragon is a massive fan of Transformers.
- Fanfic: Brought up (and mocked) on occasion.
Helldragon: And thus, thousands of fanfictions were born... |
- Fantastic Racism: Helldragon's racist against technology — NTom dubbed him a "techist".
Helldragon: AHLALALA! NTom seems to be like this with snowmen |
- Filler: One time, due to not having enough time to record more Half-Life 2, NTom, and IRTundraBoy (later Greatzombieron) instead opted to record some more Brutal Legend — exploring, collecting all the legends/songs, etc.
- Now Tom and Ron have done a commentary on X-Men Origins: Wolverine, for a similar reason.
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero (NTom64)
- The Lancer (The Helldragon)
- The Smart Guy (Fastest Thing Alive)
- The Big Guy (Greatzombieron)
- The Chick (SonicMovies)
- Follow the Leader: A good example is BrainScratch Commentaries. They now have their own page.
- Freud Was Right: During Rouge's driving section of Sonic Adventure 2...
FTA: We have a chick with cleavage bigger than Tails' head, and she's driving a friggin' penis! |
- Fun with Acronyms: During the Half-Life 2 playthrough, Tom deduced what the DCE in RandomDCE stood for, as a joke.
Tom: Digest Cookies, Everyone! |
- Gag Dub: It's been done by NTom, FTA, TheHelldragon, RandomDCE, and greatzombieron.
- The Ghost: Any playthrough that was on Tom's old YouTube page. They were deleted along with his old account, and were unable to be backed up due to Tom lacking an external hard-drive at the time.
- Gratuitous Japanese: Ron and Daniel slip into this during the Half-Life 2 playthrough, for no real reason.
- Goddamned BAAAAAAATS: Helldragon's worst in-universe enemy.
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Tom and DCE very nearly lost their sanity during the dramatic reading of Twilight. DCE even described their insane breakdown with excessive Purple Prose, just like Twilight would have.
- Gone Horribly Right: Whenever they do commentary on something, but forget just how bad or ridiculous it actually is (or are well aware, and go with it anyway), with predictable results. X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Adventures of SharkBoy and LavaGirl, and Dragonball Evolution are all good examples, and possibly Sonic '06 as well.
- Heroic BSOD: This occurred during their first Sonic '06 playthrough (during the Trial of Love), when a glitch led Tom to believe that you had to choose Elise in order to proceed.
- and also while doing Atlantica in the Kingdom Hearts II playthrough, specifically during the final song.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Discussed a few times. "Hang on. I'm detecting copious amounts of Dan Green in the area..."
"Optimus Prime, what are you doing here?" |
- Hijacked by Ganon: During a podcast from NTom64 and Helldragon, they spent some time discussing their problems with some instances of this trope.
- Ho Yay: FTA and SonicMovies.
- Hurricane of Puns: NTom has indulged in this from time to time, much to the chagrin of his cohorts.
Helldragon: (After a particularly lame pun): Ow. That hurt my soul. |
- Part 120 of the Kingdom Hearts Playthrough nearly has ten minutes of "fucking game puns."
- Ice Cream Koan: IRTundraboy's random ancient Chinese wisdom:
IRTundraboy: Man with broom have no use for river! |
- I Meant to Do That: NTom has done this a few times.
FTA: Sure you did, Tom, sure you did. |
- He has also attempted to justify this on a few occasions, such as during the second Sonic '06 playthrough:
Helldragon: (after Sonic runs into a wall of spikes) Well, why'd you do that? |
- Implacable Man: Apparently, Parasite Cage, later showing up as Mecha-Cage, and even later, Proto-Cage.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Done quite a few times. Lampshaded during the Half-Life 2 playthrough:
Tom: I make lame puns into an art-form, alright? |
- In an attempt to fight back against Tom's puns, Helldragon has delved into this as well. ("Terrable!")
- Informed Ability: AxelRyman, BigAl2K6, Captainblue50, and LuizPrower are all members of the group, despite not having appeared too often, if at all.
- They have appeared in commentaries, but most of them aren't available. Axel starred in an Ocarina of Time playthrough (cancelled), Alan starred in a commentary of the Super Mario Bros movie, Captainblue50 was in the Ben10 live-action film commentary with DCE, along with a Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas playthrough (cancelled), and Luiz starred in a Sonic Rewards Compilation playthrough (removed).
- Cloud8745 was also a member briefly for 5 videos or so of the Pokemon Emerald playthrough (removed) before THD was a regular.
- Luiz was also involved in something Street Fighter related, but it was never released.
- Insult Backfire: This exchange during the Sonic and the Black Knight playthrough:
FTA: Well, you sound like a homosexual robot with a bad cold. |
- Jerkass: FastestThingAlive fits this to a T.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Helldragon
- FTA has his moments to.
- Leave the Camera Running: During a live stream, Tom once forgot that there was a level after the final boss of Sonic Colors, and went to get a drink, expecting the credits to roll. He came back missing about ten lives.
- Memetic Badass: The Disney-thon spawned a couple of them for the commentators — Coach Bolton (High School Musical) and Persian Wolverine (Aladdin and the King of Thieves).
- Metaphorgotten: Helldragon compares the |Egg Genesis boss fight to the downfall of SEGA:
Helldragon: ...well, pieces fly off, it slowly gets worse; soon its core is compromised and it blows up everywhere, but really it's SEGA's fault because it built itself with a giant "FUCK ME" light on the very bottom. |
- Also later, as the boss is crashing:
Helldragon: Oh no, here comes SEGA's decline in the console market; run! |
- In the Unleashed playthrough, Tom indulges in it as well.
Tom: A Sonic Unleashed playthrough without boosting is like a sandwich without a filling! It makes no sense if it's just bread! |
- Mind Screw: Tom pulls this on Ron in the Brutal Legend playthrough.
- A slightly meta example, but have you seen some of the stuff they've commented on? The Harlem Globetrotters Meet Snow White, etc.
- MSTing: How they usually go by their commentaries.
- Especially their dramatic readings.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Apparently, High School Musical.
Helldragon: YES. Robot Ghost Ninja Vampire High School. Best school ever! |
- Never Say That Again: "Don't you ever. Ever. Use my full name." (NTom, in response to FTA referring to him as "Thomas")
- Subverted in the Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions stream, when asked if he could be addressed by his full name. He responded that he really doesn't care.
- Noodle Incident: Ron's driving endeavors.
- "No. Just... No" Reaction: During the Disaster Movie commentary, greatzombieron reacts to one of NTom's jokes this way. To make sense of it, the movie currently showed a character pinned to the ground with the spear from a collapsed statue:
Ron: I don't even know what the point is, to this whole thing... |
- This exchange from the Dragonball Evolution commentary.
Helldragon: What is that structure in the background, the one with the big fuckin hole in it, what is that? |
- Oh Crap: In the Alice in Wonderland comm, when Tom realizes that he accidentally pressed Ron's Berserk Button.
- And in Drill Dozer...
Tom: Oh, god, not another tank! I need health! This won't end well... |
- One of Us: Otherwise, this page wouldn't exist. I wonder if it's ruined their lives yet?
- NTom64 has lost some respect for this site though.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Helldragon AKA Matt Willard
- The Plan: NTom64 and Helldragon Wild Mass Guessing this to be how the plot of Kingdom Hearts II got started, complete with [[Gargoyles David Xanatos himself.
- It's gotten to a point where they believe that Xanatos was responsible for not only the creation of the Cage legacy (Parasite Cage, Mecha-Cage, Proto-Cage), but also for Nomura letting no TV series be included in Kingdom Hearts.
- In the Super Mario Galaxy 2: Stream playthrough: The two worlds that are multiples of three were both 12 parts long, which is also a multiple of three! As a response, N Tom said "Funny how things work out like that."
- Also, he just happened to be playing the game on the third-year anniversary of Hellfire Commentaries.
- Plucky Comic Relief: Helldragon
- Police Are Useless: Pointed out by Captainblue50 in their Ben 10: Race Against Time commentary.
- The Power of Rock: The Brutal Legend playthrough, natch.
- A variation occurs in the Kingdom Hearts II playthrough; the Power of Dance.
- Power Trio:
- NTom, FTA, and TheHelldragon. (Not in any playthrough, but the three have appeared in livestreams and such.)
- NTom, greatzombieron, and IRTundraboy. (Brutal Legend, Half-Life 2)
- NTom, FTA and SonicMovies (The Sonic Heroes playthrough)
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "Must... talk... in... fragments!" (Helldragon)
- Pungeon Master: NTom64.
- Quintessential British Gentleman: Lampshaded by Tom on a number of occasions.
NTom: Yes, I'm actually drinking tea; I'm that much of a stereotype. |
- In their Half-Life 2 playthrough, they even call him out on it; and he openly admits it.
- Then he references Professor Layton.
- In their Half-Life 2 playthrough, they even call him out on it; and he openly admits it.
NTom: A true gentleman uses an FAQ to solve puzzles in a children's puzzle game. |
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- Reed Richards Is Useless: The commentary for Destiny Deoxys, which takes place in a futuristic city displaying a markedly higher level of general technology than anywhere else in the Pokémon world.
NTom: Seriously, we can't put it towards curing cancer? No, just Pokémon battles? Ok. |
- Refuge in Audacity: The Ben 10:Race Against Time commentary.
- Reset Button: At the end of their [[Pokémon: The First Movie]] commentary, when Mewtwo wipes the minds of everyone, he also wipes the minds of NTom and Helldragon, and they forget the entire commentary.
- Running Gag: At least one per commentary, as well as some general ones that span from comm to comm. Some notable ones:
- In the SMG 2 playthrough, "Duck-face."
- "'Ello, I'm NTom Thixty-Four."
- "Yes! Kill all the bats!"
- "Even without wings, I can still fly!"
- The Matrix: Path Of Neo: "Shoryuken!"
- Half-Life 2:
- Greatzombieron saying he can get through the entire game without getting attacked by a barnacle, then getting constantly attacked by them. Tom and TundraBoy keep reminding Ron about his earlier remark.
- Also, Ron claiming he's the the Half-Life expert of the group, and then failing at random points in the game.
- Whenever the NPC who modeled John Freeman shows up, Tom will quote either Full-Life Consequences or Quarter-Life: Half-Way to Destruction. And then shoot the NPC.
- Aladdin and the King of Thieves: "Take a drink!"
- Alice in Wonderland: "It's a living."
- Rule of Cool: They decide that Brutal Legend's "Bring It On Home" solo runs on this.
- Also quoted verbatim by Helldragon during their Sonic '06 playthrough:
NTom: Lawrence III's Upgraded Styrofoam Fortress versus a Dragon Mech for no reason. |
- Sanity Slippage: A mild case; whenever the work they're commenting on stops making sense, their commentary starts to fall apart, often with hilarious results.
- Say My Name: FTA likes making fun of Tom's "Hello, I'm NTom64" intro line (see Running Gag above). Tom's actually called him out on it once or twice.
- Schedule Slip: There's a schedule? Also lampshaded quite frequently. For example, during the Kingdom Hearts II playthrough, Sora & co. entered a doorway at one point and come out on the other side ... nine months later.
- Self-Deprecation: "I was re-watching the Sonic '06 playthrough earlier, and my God, we are boring." (FTA)
- "Daniel, you're recording video game footage for the Internet. I'm pretty sure you've hit rock bottom." (Tom)
- "HellfireComms: Please Retsupurae us!" (Helldragon)
- Shameless Self Promoter/Please Subscribe to Our Channel: Played for Laughs.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis : towards/With Channel Awesome as of late.
- Shout-Out: Several, including Command and Commentary (a fellow Youtube commentary group which FTA is affiliated with), the Something Awful Let's Play forum, Linkara, and The Spoony One, among others.
- Also, in their Half-Life 2 commentary (and later Kingdom Hearts II, among others), they make a shout-out to a very special web page.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Parodied and invoked; see Shameless Self Promoter above.
NTom: One day, someone's gonna watch this and think we're actually being egotistical. |
- Spot of Tea: Tom loves his tea. He even claims that it's his power source.
- And that he can summon it at will.
- The Straight Man: NTom64. IRTundraBoy shows traces of this as well.
- Straight Man and Wise Guy: Tom and FTA (or Tom and Helldragon) keep an act like this going strong.
- Sure Why Not: This was how a bored NTom and BigAl one day decided to do the Super Mario Bros movie commentary over Skype.
- Take That: To the material they're commenting on, to themselves, to something completely unrelated, etc.
- Tradesnark: Death Laser™!
- And, more recently, the Fractal Tech Gear™.
- Uncancelled: Half-Life 2. Their playthrough of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's story mode will eventually be redone, as well.
- Verbal Tic: Tom used to say "Indeed" quite a few times in earlier playthroughs.
- Also, "This is true."
- And recently, "The Harlem Globetrotters Meet Snow White."
- "Fair enough" - FTA.
- Also, "This is true."
- Very Loosely Based on a True Story: Played with in Tom's and BigAl's Super Mario Bros movie commentary.
BigAl: This is happening now, this is based on a true story. |
- Vitriolic Best Buds: NTom and... possibly everyone.
Greatzombieron: This is why every day with you... is pain. Constant... pain. |
- What Could Have Been: Originally, the Disaster Movie commentary was to be done with RandomDCE, but there was never put a date for him and Tom to start recording, so Tom eventually did it with Greatzombieron instead.
- There's also the Disney-thon, a ten-day marathon of Disney movies. It was affected so much by the Schedule Slip that Tom eventually canceled it, releasing the 6 finished commentaries [3] all at once as the "Proto-thon".
- The Wiki Rule: Averted; they started a wiki, but eventually scrapped it in favor of a TVTropes page.
- ↑ (According to the non-commentary footage on this channel.)
- ↑ During the Sonic Unleashed commentary, FTA reveals that the reaction used in the actual Sonic 06 LP was staged, though it was genuine the first time he saw it.
- ↑ Alice in Wonderland, Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Tron, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, and High School Musical