See also the Character page for the Hellsing manga and OVA; for characters who appear in both, this page focuses on tropes unique to the TV anime.
- Anti-Hero: Type V.
- Badass
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Long Hair: The more Badass he becomes, the longer it gets.
- Berserk Button: 'WHAT DID YOU DO?!' (episode 9).
- Break the Haughty: After episode 9 nearly gets Integra killed, he behaves far more thoughtful and considerate with her.
- Crispin Freeman
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Several of them, most notably how he stays watching Integra's surgery until is over.
- Dracula: In the final episode, there's a brief moment where Alucard's face resembles Vlad (III) Dracula's.
- Escapist Character
- Happiness in Slavery: Slight subversion, he's not so happy and seems Sealed Evil in a Can, but he hates the idea of losing Integra more (episode 9).
- The Hero
- Heroic Sociopath
- Historical Beauty Update: Played straight and then subverted with his 'level one' appearance. Unlike the manga, his appearance as Vlad actually resembles his historical portraits.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He gets "killed" by trying to shoot Incognito with his Jackal. Afterwards, when he gets better, he uses Incognito's powers against him in a Genre Savvy way.
- Humanoid Abomination
- I Love You, Draculina Daughter: Some shades of this with Seras and the reason why he keeps offering Integra his blood.
- In-Series Nickname: Monster is the most frequent, but his own name is a Sdrawkcab Name. There is also Peter Pan, his codename.
- Joji Nakata
- Lolicon: "Excellent! I feel such a rage swelling between my legs!" might not be the most reassuring line to say to a little girl while you pin her to a wall with No Sense of Personal Space.
- Meaningful Name: Do you really need it explained?
- Mysterious Past: Other than the shot of Vlad Tepes mentioned above, it's never really said what or who Alucard is unlike the manga which explicitly shows events from his past.
- Noble Demon: The TV series cuts back on some of his Kick the Dog moments and makes him downright paternal to Seras.
- The Masochism Tango: With Integra.
- The Obi-Wan: To Seras.
- One-Winged Angel: Level 1, his most powerful form.
- Poisonous Friend
- Psychopathic Manchild: Type C, mostly, but with some type B in there - which matches]] the original novel's description of Dracula having a child mind.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: He's damn proud of being a True Undead. Integra occasionally taunts him, prickling his pride.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red.
- Single-Target Sexuality: He seems to have this toward Integra one way on another. He only changes Seras because she has Integra's eyes, and the news reporter that he bites midway through the series has Integra's coloring.
- Undying Loyalty: Less of it than the Manga, but he will serve his master.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: He has long white hair when Integra first awakens him in the dungeon.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Her hair is much more yellowish in the manga and OVA, but she's a strawberry blonde in the anime.
- Audience Surrogate
- Betty and Veronica
- BFG: Harkonnen
- Break the Cutie
- Chickification: Compared to her Manga counterpart, this Seras is smarter, but not as asskicking (most likely because the anime didn't adapt material past Volume 2) and gets too many Distressed Damsel instances (like in episode 3, where it only took one of Anderson's bayonet to knock her out).
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: "Eat Harkonnen, Bitch!"
- Daddy's Girl: With a Missing Mom, she seems to be abnormally attached to her father, unlike her manga counterpart.
- Fake Brit: KT Gray is from the US.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire
- Freud Was Right: Seras keeps licking the corner of the mouths of her father figures/mentors when they appear to have died.
- Fumiko Orikasa
- Happiness in Slavery: She refuses Alucard's offer when he wanted to give Seras her freedom.
- I Am What I Am
- In-Series Nickname: Kitten, Police Girl, Tiger Lily (in reference to Peter Pan).
- Green-Eyed Monster: Her reaction when the relationship between Alucard and Integra softens in the last episodes.
- Memetic Outfit: It's not manga canon, but Seras looks good in blue.
- Missing Mom: No picture of her at all.
- Morality Pet: She is this to Alucard.
- Ms. Fanservice: Up to Eleven from her Manga version (who never wore a revealing outfit other than her Hellsing uniform).
- The Nose Knows: In addition to the "third eye" ability seen in the manga, Seras also has an enhanced sense of smell as a vampire. She uses it to detect a bomb in the 5th episode.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted, as she's a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire. But a vampire nonetheless.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue.
- Replacement Goldfish: She might have been intended to be this. According to Studio Gonzo, Alucard turned her because her eyes reminded him of Young Integra's.
- Rookie Red Ranger
- The Squadette
- Vampire Detective: She journeys into this trope in some of the filler arcs.
- Vegetarian Vampire
- What Have I Become?: She struggles with losing her humanity, but accepts her vampiric nature much earlier than in the manga, drinking medical blood in the fourth episode.
- The Anime makes a serious emphasis on this, while the manga was barely referred over it or it was Played for Laughs with Seras' making comical reactions, and Fan Service when she finally licked Integra's finger.
- Zettai Ryouiki: And she's loaded so hot with this.
- Attempted Rape: Victim of three of them.
- Ambiguously Brown: Her mother is shown wearing a sari, implying Indian heritage.
- Berserk Button: Anything that humiliates and stains her Organization and soldiers. She'll avenge a thousandfold. Especially traitors.
- Betty and Veronica
- Break the Cutie: Poor, poor young Integra...
- Break the Haughty: With a lot of Unfortunate Implications, but it seems that was what happened from episode 9 and towards the end.
- Chickification: After she's injured, she becomes somewhat of a justified Distressed Damsel which she never becomes in the manga.
- Cry Cute: Episode 10.
- Daddy's Girl: Unlike her manga counterpart (who occasionally remembers her father but mostly when Alucard triggers some memory and doesn't keep even a picture of him), in the Anime Integra seemed to love and dearly miss him (keeping his portrait in her office), but also resent his shadow.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Green-Eyed Monster: Her reaction to Alucard turning Seras for the first episodes. He seemed to be aware of this, giving her a knowing smirk.
- God Save Us From the Queen: Integra thinks this way when she announces to Walter that Her Majesty has abandoned them at the end of the series.
- Heir Club for Men: The anime plays up the bureaucratic stress on Integra caused by her peers.
- Honor Before Reason: Subversion. The ending of episode 9 seems to fit this trope way, but actually she stabbed her neck not to choose death over being tainted by vampire's blood but to fight for her life. Otherwise she would have become a mindless ghoul.
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- I Am Not Shazam: If she is a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing (which we know she is), her name should still be Van Helsing. It would appear confusion has resulted from the Acronymic Name of her organization and her own surname, and she just goes with it.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: In episode 9 and 13.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: She is able to shoot the shape of a cross onto a vampire's face; this kind of accuracy is nearly impossible in Real Life.
- In-Series Nickname: Lady of Steel (in supplement material), Virgin of the Royal Protestant Order, Protestant Swine (Maxwell's nickname for her), Wendy (to continue the Peter Pan parallels codenames).
- It's All My Fault
- Knight Templar
- Large Ham
- Meganekko
- Missing Mom: There is a picture of her holding baby Integra, and a scene that could imply that she committed suicide.
- Not So Different: To Alucard, she even acknowledges this in episode 4. "Your world is my world."
- Say My Name: "Acknowledge my approval! ALUCAAAAARRRD!"
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- The Masochism Tango with Alucard.
- The Un-Reveal: Will she take Alucard's blood? she only smirks as an answer as the blood drips down..
- Victoria Harwood: Who subverts the Fake Brit trope for her.
- Viewer Gender Confusion
- Virgin Power: Still a virgin here and apparently her blood is super delicious to vampires, and leads to her almost becoming a Virgin Sacrifice to open the gate of Hell.
- Yoshiko Sakakibara
- Badass Grandpa
- Battle Butler
- Casual Danger Dialogue
- Dissonant Serenity: He has the ability to stay calm in any situation.
- Flash Step
- Heroic Sacrifice: But he lives through it.
- Razor Floss
- Undying Loyalty
- Bald of Evil: Complete with a Nazca-looking skull.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: It's not clear whether Incognito suffers from this, or he really is androgynous, as some have speculated.
- BFG: a Grenade launcher.
- Big Bad
- Body Horror: He can summon a weapon from his arm.
- Canon Foreigner
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Egyptian Mythology: He summons Set, the Egyptian God of Chaos, in the last episode.
- Evil Counterpart
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Expy: He has a very similar vibe to the Major from the original, most notably:
"I will destroy everything. I was born to bring ruin to all that is." |
- Eye Scream: The fact that he has no eyelid over his red left eye would indicate he's had one in his life.
- Foe Yay, or rather No Yay with Integra.
- Full-Frontal Assault
- Gatling Good
- Looks Like Orlok
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Scary Black Man: Considering he's implied to be from Africa, it's not much of a stretch.
- That Came Out Wrong: Set will enter me. Made even worse by the aforementioned Barbie Doll Anatomy.
- Worthy Opponent: For Alucard.
Alexander Anderson[]
- Anti-Villain
- Badass Preacher
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Walking through a car on The Tube quoting scripture while be prepares to absolutely shred the undead masses before him.
- Dual-Wielding: He loves doing this with his bayonets.
- Demoted to Extra: He's nowhere near as important in the TV series as he is in the manga and OVA.
- Fake Scotsman: Averted, as Steven Brant is actually Scottish. Thus, unlike the manga, he also averts the Violent Glaswegian trope.
- The Giant: He literally towers over Hellsing's Red Shirts and has to stoop down to go through subway train cars.
- In-Series Nickname: Sword Dancer, Vatican's Dog, Captain Hook, Judas Priest (by Alucard).
- Nachi Nozawa
- Worthy Opponent: Averted. Unlike his manga counterpart, he's not this to Alucard in the Anime.
Enrico Maxwell[]
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Demoted to Extra
- In-Series Nickname: Catholic swine (courtesy of Integra).
- Smug Snake