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  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: The brief storyline where Chizuru gets handcuffed to a bed and raped by a middle-school kid definitely qualifies. Afterwards, it's never mentioned again, Chizuru seems to be unaffected by the experience, and the story returns to its usual Girls Love romance plot.
  • Bile Fascination: This manga enjoyed a healthy run on the Daily_Yuri Livejournal community mostly due to this trope. The comments are full of people referencing Train Wreck Syndrome by name.
  • Coitus Ensues: Twice this trope is used to kick off two heterosexual scenes, one plot relevant but mostly for shock value, and the second was a badly contrived Shotacon excuse. In both cases, neither scene really proves necessary or relevant in the grand scheme of things.
  • Fetish Retardant: Your mileage may vary on whether Chizuru's physique is sexy or just disturbing.
  • Idiot Plot: Frequently.
  • Memetic Mutation: TITZILLA SMASH!
  • Moe: Azumi
  • Narm: So many scenes to choose from, but especially the one where Chizuru loudly and dramatically declares herself a lesbian to a crowd of her peers... and follows that up by inviting all the boys to come gang-bang her.
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: Suzuki's sideplot drags on for a long time, overshadowing the actual plot towards the end. Granted, he does provide a nice foil to Chizuru (being in a similar situation), but his sidestory become a Spotlight Hog to the point one volume barely features Chizuru or Azumi at all.
  • The Scrappy: Oku, for being a creeper and having a Gonk-y character design, and Chizuru, for her Jerk Sue traits and tendency to hang onto the Idiot Ball like it's her firstborn child.
  • Snark Bait
  • Squick: Sugita wanting her brother to rape an unconscious Chizuru while she watches.
  • Uncanny Valley: The artist's grasp of human anatomy can get a little loose at times.