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  • The reveal in "Surprise," where Hercules demonstrates he anticipated Callisto's treachery and will be able to escape the labyrinth without her aid.

 "That leads right back to the entrance. Surprise!"

  • Hercules shaking off his Heroic BSOD in "Resurrection" - allowing him to face Morrigan in a rematch and win.
  • Iolaus 2 taking a level in badass in "Love on the Rocks," in which he overcomes several mooks alone to rescue his girlfriend Nautica.
  • Salmoneus in "Eye of the Beholder," his very first episode. Hercules and the Cyclops are battling Hera's forces to defend a village. The villagers, however, refuse to help Hercules because they deem the Cyclops a freak. The salesman doesn't stand for that.

 Salmoneus: It would be better to die with him than to stay here with eunuchs like you.

  • Xena surviving the gauntlet.