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Disney's |Hercules[]

  • Megara's song "I Won't Say I'm In Love," especially the ending. There IS a reason why this song is overused in AMV's.
  • Two Words: "That's Phil's boy."
  • The ending song: The gods set an image of Hercules in the stars, and That's Phil's Boy. Even makes the curmudgeonly Phil tear up.
  • "People always do crazy things when they're in love."
  • "Father, this is the moment I've always dreamed of. But, a life without Meg, even an immortal life would be empty. I, I wish to stay on earth with her. I finally know where I belong."
  • A whole lot of the lyrics in Go the Distance, and the message about hope and determination in them.

I have often dreamed of a far-off place, where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me. Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face, and a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be. I will find my way. I can go the distance. I don't care how far; somehow, I'll be strong. I know every mile will be worth my while when I find my hero's welcome, right where I belong.

    • And even when Herc gives up his godhood for Meg, the song still all comes true. He could have had that with the gods but he gets it all just as much with her.
  • Personally with all the dead parents in Disney movies, I like to see that Herc still loves his mortal adoptive parents as much as his divine blood parents, and both sets of parents loving him as well. Especially at the end when Herc comes down and they embrace each other.
    • There's also a part in Zero To Hero when normally in Disney movies after the kid grows up you don't really see the parents and if they do show up it's not until the end. However in the song it shows that Herc gives a lot of the money he's made with his heroics and sends it to his mortal adopted parents and they are very proud of him.
  • During 'One Last Hope' when Herc fails another test instead of berating him Phil tells him that it's not all about power and instead the heart that really matters in being a hero. After when Herc tosses a sword feeling sorry for himself he hits the target and the looks on their faces say it all.
  • When Zeus is finally able to talk to his son after so many years he is just simply ecstatic.
  • Hercules casually pulls down a tree to retrieve a flower for Megara, hands it to her, and then kisses her on the cheek. Megara instantly looks forward with wide eyes as though her thoughts have instantly been banished (a milder variant of a Heroic BSOD). She then gives a small smile and touches her hand to her cheek. Definitely a When She Smiles moment.

Disney's Hercules: The Series[]