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Here, Wolf is a webcomic by Isaac M. Baranoff, featured on Space Monkey Mafia Studios. The title character is a Funny Animal Wolf (though not a Big Bad one) with a human girlfriend, Red (not to be confused with something else). The comic uses a Beast Fable to discuss issues of prejudice and racism.
Baranoff claims this as a "gag a week" comic, but he slips so often that a more accurate description would be "gag whenever the hell the author feels like it" strip.
Mystic Studios Productions was supposed to put out a printed series based on the webcomic, but it hasn't materialized yet.
Here Wolf relates to the following tropes:[]
- April Fools' Day: In 2011, Here Wolf was replaced by a fake comic called Stupid Priest as an April Fools joke.
- Beast Fable: Wolves are a stand-in for...something. It's kind of vague. (Usually implied to be African-Americans.)
- Berserk Button: Wolf's response to someone calling the band Hollywood Undead "metal".
- Character Blog: Wolf posts on the comic's Twitter and Facebook pages.
- Creator Thumbprint: Marijuana use, Libertarianism and atheism.
- Crossover: With Horndog.
- Deadpan Snarker: Wolf and Red.
- Deep South: A redneck says outright that he doesn't like Wolf having sex with "our women, boy", leading Wolf to tell him off.
- Erudite Stoner: Wolf.
- Fantastic Racism
- Four-Fingered Hands: All Funny Animal characters have four fingers. However, the human characters are portrayed with five fingers.
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Wolf.
- Intellectual Animal
- Interspecies Romance
- Juggalo: In an early comic, Wolf is looking at Juggalette porn instead of working.
- Metalhead: Wolf.
- Schedule Slip: The real question is, when is this comic ever on schedule?
- Shout-Out: Wolf likes Rush, Frank Zappa and King Diamond.
- Snarky Non Human Boyfriend: Wolf
- Species Surname: Subverted, as Wolf is never referred to by any other name.
- Sphere Eyes: All characters.
- Spin-Off: From Horndog.
- The Stoner: Wolf, like all Horndogs.
- Take That: These appear more frequently:
- Wolf hates Little Red Riding Hood, and is even less pleased by the prospect of watching an adaptation made by the director of Twilight. Other movies like Battlefield Earth and Space Jam are also poked fun at.
- The Catgirl Fetish is referenced and poked fun at.
- John Lennon and Yoko Ono are characterized as "junkies".
- Wolf also dislikes Badly Drawn Kitties and South Park.
- "How do you spell failure?" "J-A-Y N-A-Y-L-O-R."
- This was due to a real-life feud between Baranoff and Naylor, who claimed that Mystic Studios Productions refused to publish his comics because of his views. Naylor continued to take shots at Baranoff months after Baranoff ignored Naylor.
- Barack Obama
- Wolf suggests that Alan Moore should Occupy Reality instead of "Occupying Comics".
- Villainous Incest: A redneck with his sister. Technically, the redneck is not a villain, as he is portrayed as being more stupid than genuinely evil, although this trope still applies as the incest reference was only included to make the character looks worse than the Fantastic Racism already makes him in order to make the comic's anti-prejudice theme clear.
- White Void Room: As in Horndog, this is a stylistic Shout-Out to Harvey Pekar.
- Wolverine Publicity: Bob, from Horndog, in this comic.