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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth saving the world for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Heroes fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Page Reconfiguration in Progress: Fan Fic Recommendations is being split into pages for each individual series, so help is needed to classify each entry into the appropiate category, and to format it according to the template.

Authors, and Websites[]


  • Recommended by Gamebird
  • Comments: Fantastic series of fanfictions based on the adventures of Hesam Malik and Peter Petrelli as paramedics in New York. Hesam has, all told, probably ten minutes of screen time over the entire TV show, but Gold Seven creates an entire cast of believable, realistic EMTs and fills in missing moments throughout the show, whenever Peter was shown at work. She also has drawings (really good ones!) of the characters and a glossary of EMT terms. One of the few fics that teaches you as you read it.

Connie Welsh

  • Recommended by Gamebird
  • Comments: Powerful, moving erotic Peter/Sylar slash stories.

Texts From Primatech

  • Recommended by missmoon
  • Comments: The Heroes universe as depicted by Texts From Last Night. Hilarity Ensues.

General Fics[]

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

What You Wish For, by cerebel. (Male/Male)

  • Recommended by Tabby
  • Pairing(s): Mohinder/"Nathan", others
  • Synopsis: A Fix Fic for the Fridge Logic question of why Matt didn't realize that it wasn't really Nathan in the Oval Office.
  • Comments: Yes, it was adequately explained in the show, but even though the intent behind it bugs me the story is still awesome and still works perfectly well with canon. It's got Matt's voice down better than almost any other story I've seen, and I am damn picky about my Matt fic. Contains a male/male relationship, but only one mildly explicit sexual reference.

Purgatory by Alydia_Rackham

  • Recommended by Gamebird
  • Synopsis: This superb story fills in all the missing moments of the fifth season show The Wall, showing more realistically and completely how two enemies could become allies. It is a fascinating, engaging and at times wrenching psychological journey. Peter and Sylar, no slash.
  • Comments: There is a sequel called Poenitentia by the same author that is also outstanding.

Shattered Identity by Gamebird

  • recommended by Gamebird
  • Pairing: Peter/Gabriel
  • Synopsis: The story of Sylar after he integrates Nathan's memories and how he resolves his shattered sense of identity. There are three successive story arcs: Gabriel regains his freedom; starts a new life as Nathan; reverts to Gabriel and battles Peter's father.
  • Comments: Complete and long. There is no explicit sexual content in the story, although references are made to published companion stories that chronicle that sort of thing for those interested in it. A sequel is in publication (updates twice a week, pre-written, no threat of Dead Fic), called The Salvation of Acceptance that follows Peter's adventures in uncovering a central mystery to the entire Heroes world. There also exists a wealth of additional material written, set in the same AU, following the adventures of other canon characters.

Cell by sinemoras09

  • recommended by Dont Kill Bugs
  • Pairings: Claire/Adam
  • Synopsis: Adam and Claire, locked up in a Primatech cell.
  • Comments: Very similar to the below-mentioned Unmade, Cell, is a hard fic to classify. Is it a Dark Fic? There are too many comedic/cute moments interspersed between the Tear Jerker moments for that. Is it a comedy? Too much of a Tear Jerker. Is it a romance? A little yes, a little no. However you classify it, Cell is a definite Tear Jerker that any Heroes fan should read. Warning:Character Death.

We All Break the Same by The Awesome Factory

  • recommended by Dont Kill Bugs
  • Pairings: Claire/Adam (Friendship)
  • Synopsis: In an AU where Linderman's plan to destroy New York led to a Nuclear Apocalypse, Adam and Claire meet over a fire. If you're going to live forever, no sense in doing it alone.
  • Comments: A rather touching story that plays on the similarites between Adam and Claire, who is cranked into high Woobie levels for this story. A great read.

Alt Fic / Crack Fic[]

Comedy stories.

Raison d'être by Khyzern

  • Recommended by feral
  • Synopsis: AU post season 2 / beginning of season 3. Starring Sylar, Peter, Bennet, and Angela. Sylar-centric.
  • Comments: Brilliant writing style and funny as hell.

Road (To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions) Trip by squills

  • Recommended by feral
  • Pairing(s): Many.
  • Synopsis: "There are so many different ways to save the world...and so many different ways to screw it all up." The consequences of idiot heroes playing with time travel. Staring Mohinder Suresh, Peter Petrelli, Angela Petrelli, Sylar (and mentions of others).
  • Comments: Very funny commentary on the slashiness of the show. Some language.

Which Peter is it Anyway? by zookitty

  • Recommended by feral
  • Synopsis: Beginning of Season 3, the consequences of an Idiot Hero playing with time travel. Staring Peter and Nathan.
  • Comments: Short, hilarious little crack fic.

Heroes Abridged With Commentary by Anonymius

Heroes In A Chatroom by Yellowfur

  • Recommended by Meshakhad
  • Synopsis: The Heroes characters in a chatroom.
  • Comments: The usernames alone make it hilarious, but when they start breaking out their powers...

Mohinder's Twelve Days of Christmas by Besarien

  • Recommended by: Dont Kill Bugs
  • Pairings: Mohinder/Sylar
  • Synopsis: What could be worse for Mohinder than Christmas with Agent Hanson? One cup of caffeine that she's not sharing and a serial killer spreading Yuletide cheer.
  • Comments: A very funny fic where Mohinder, under FBI questioning, describes the various gifts Sylar gave him for the Twelve Days of Christmas, including ten teeth, six million dollars, and three dead Petrelli's.

Dark Fic[]

Unmade by Corona

Deep Sleep by Del Rion

  • Recommended by feral
  • Pairing: None unless you really want to make an effort. (i.e. no more Ho Yay than is in the show)
  • Synopsis: "Peter always wanted to be a hero, but after the greatest failure of his life, all that's left to do is to try repairing the damage he caused; battling his arch-enemy until the end of the world and beyond suddenly doesn't seem far-fetched at all."
  • Comments: A Bad Future world where Peter becomes the American government's secret weapon. (Think Dr. Manhattan or Weapon X). Now has a sequel.

A Walk On The Other Side by yo_mawari

Shipping Fics[]

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

A Different Kind Of Special by Cazrolime

  • Recommended by Tabby
  • Pairing: Sylar/Heidi. .
  • Synopsis: Takes the Unfortunate Implications of Sylar impersonating Nathan and runs with it beautifully.
  • Comments: If you're in the market for good, unusual "Five Years Gone" fic, look no further. It is brilliant.

Nascent by Svilleficrecs

  • recommended by brittanyw
  • Pairing: Peter/Claire
  • Synopsis: Claire and Peter push the limits of the regenerative power. Set vaguely in an AU from season one.
  • Comments: Quite long (more than 20k words). It's very carnal, focused on physicality and sexuality. Killer ending.

Complications by Isagel

  • recommended by brittanyw
  • Pairing: Zane!Sylar/Mohinder
  • Synopsis: Takes place in S1, before Mohinder finds out who Zane is.
  • Comments: What I love most is the sections about clockwork that frame the story.

Finesse by tiptoe39

  • recommended by Maxwell Edison
  • Pairing: Adam/Monica
  • Synopsis: Monica tells the story of a bank heist she and Adam foiled, taking detours down memory lane along the way.
  • Comments: This takes a very cracky pairing and just makes it work. The POV (first person from Monica's perspective) really helps to set the tone, and her voice is very well written.

[1] by Lara-Van

  • reccomended by Snowlilly
  • Pairing: Future!Peter/Daphne
  • Synopsis: A chronicle of Peter and Daphne's relationship in the Season 3 future, with several interesting insights into alternate character motivations for their characters.
  • Comments: Lara-Van takes a pairing I hadn't actually thought about, twists it into a lovely ball of sadness and sweetness, adds a bit of woobie-Peter and thrusts into the oven that is your heart with the speed and finesse of an eagle's spiral dive. Gorgeous imagery and good writing make it even better.


First Time by AllyKat (Dexter Crossover)

  • Recommended by feral
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis: Dexter catches Sylar. The End.

Threat Grin by htebazytook (Dexter Crossover)

Splatter by my_young_friend (Dexter Crossover)

  • Recommended by feral
  • Status: Complete
  • Pairing: Sylar/Dexter
  • Synopsis: Porn with Plot Slash Fic. After investigating a crime scene that seemed wrong and physically impossible Dexter comes home to an uninvited guest.