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Hi there, little friend!

What shall we do on this day?
We will have such fun!

To Viridian!
A picnic, with Bulbasaur!
Very tasty food!

A Springleaf fieldtrip
Watering can for Oddish
Watch them all evolve!

I never did know
That Pikachu babysat
For Ms. Butterfree

Caterpie diets
Consist of fallen rosebuds
Cooked by Thundershock

It seems kind of weird
To catch fish with Pikachu
Lemon cupcake lunch

Today, I have treats!
No, Pikachu, don't steal them!
Oh? For Caterpie?

Pikachu is sad.
He is sorry for stealing.
Hey! Stay at my place!

Today? Adventure!
Off to Olivine Lake! Oh?
Poor small Poliwag.

Oh no, Haunter! Quick!
Zap that Ghost! Great job, my friend!
Let us take them home.

Where is Pikachu?
He is angry, don't know why
Time for megaphone!

Pinatas? How fun!
Wait. No. Left - right! Swing! Swing! ARGH!
I hate pinatas.

Camping out! What fun!
Oh no, it's Haunter again...
Quick, use Thunderbolt!

A harmonica!
We will use it to summon
Our friend, Lapras

He will take us both
Across to the Cobalt Coast!
Treasure hunting: whee!

A chest - quick, Pika!
Dig it up! A signpost? Dance!
Pirate treasure: plastic?

Up the cliff! Come, come!
Thunder! Fire the cannon!
Do your ears still ring?

Days pass, so many
Romping with my little bud
He is way too cute!

A secret mission!
Pikachu, go shopping for
A new telescope!

To keep him on-task
I'll follow with snakelike stealth
In a cardboard box

It takes him some time
To remember what to do
That night, we see stars

Come the next morning...
We must say good-bye for good
I am sad; I cry

Those big shiny eyes...
But it's for Pikachu's good
He leaves with the herd

I remember him
Singing so happy and cute
I cry once again

But then, a loud zap!
Pikachu came back to play
We'll play forever!

Hey you, Pikachu!
Are you feeling very fine?

We will have such fun!

—Sparky Lurkdragon

This mission is hard
Don't hit any bananas!
I hate pinatas.

—Lalalei 2001