Hiatus is a "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" Fiction written by Vargras.
The story begins shortly after Princess Luna has been freed from the influence Nightmare Moon. She is ordered to spend the entire year in Canterlot so she can recover and get used to a thousand years' worth of changes in Equestria.
Has a finished sequel, "Stuck In The Middle WIth You", in which Luna sets up a summer camp.
Tropes in This Fan Fiction:
- Hearth Warning Eve's Episode: The third epilogue which takes place on Hearth Warning's Eve & Hearth's Warning Day.
- Nightmare Night Episode: The first epilogue setting up Luna's visit in Ponyville.
- Incredibly Bad Pun: From Princess Celestia, "Looks like the guards are star-struck." Lampshaded by Princess Luna.
- Important Mane Change: For Princess Luna.
- The High Queen: Princess Celestia as always.
- The Prankster: Princess Celestia turns into this on April Fools Day. Luna turns into this in the second epilogue.
- Hearts and Hooves Day: For February. Called by its human term as this was written before the "Hearts and Hooves Day" episode was aired.