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The films:[]
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Queen's song, "Princes of the Universe" as well as their cover of "New York, New York", which has apparently never been released in its complete form anywhere. As well as "Who Wants To Live Forever?"
- Foe Yay: All over the place, but the ultimate example would have to be...
Jacob Kell: What's wrong? Don't you want to be inside me? |
- Hilarious in Hindsight: The last line of the opening narration of the first film. "No one ever knew we were among you, until now." Well, except a whole organization of Watchers...
- I Am Not Shazam: There are times when the Immortals as a whole were called "Highlanders" by viewers new to the franchise.
- Cracked did this in a recent article.
- Memetic Mutation: "There can be only one!"
- Appending "The Quickening" or some variant of it onto parody sequel titles.
- "You have the manners of a goat."
- Retroactive Recognition: John C. "Dr. Perry Cox" McGinley is the Corrupt Corporate Executive in the second movie.
- Sequelitis: One of the most infamous instances of it.
- Special Effect Failure: Connor's makeup in Highlander: Endgame. Just watching the movie, you think that Christopher Lambert is horribly showing his age, and it's impossible to see him as the Immortal 18-year old Connor Macleod. Until you watch the cast interviews and see that Lambert is actually not all that bad-looking, and that they had to have made him look 70 intentionally. Presumably it's to reflect how he's tired of life and ready to give up, but without any explanation, you just assume it's the actor too old for the role.
- Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Connor MacLeod vs. FREDDIE FREAKING MERCURY in the video for "Princes of the Universe".
- Freddie uses his iconic mic stand, and battles Connor to a draw. What does that tell you?
- World of Ham: The only Immortal in the first movie who is even the tiniest bit understated is Connor himself, and once he gets the Prize..."I KNOW EVERYTHING! I AM EVERYTHING!"
The series:[]
- Designated Villain: While there are plenty that don't fall into this category, its very easy to make a case that alot of Highlander villains are exactly this. Offscreen, other immortals are almost certainly coming for them, so they come for other immortals. If they can get an extra quickening, their odds of survival go up. A particularly notable case was Tyler King who Attempted to take the head of an idiot savant immortal, knowing that he had absolutely no chance in the game whatsoever, and was thus doomed anyway. To underscore this point after killing King, Duncan and Richie came to the same conclusion anyway.
- Ensemble Darkhorse, thy name is Methos.
- Moral Event Horizon: From The Pharaoh's Daughter we have Nefetiri. She carried a 2000 year grudge against a former Roman General, who was also an immortal, named Constantine. Blaming him for events out of his control (the peace between Egypt and Rome failing and Cleopatra's eventual suicide) she killed his current lover in cold blood since she was his 'entire world'. Infuriated, Duncan kicks her out and she goes to confront Constantine on Holy Ground, forcing Duncan to fight her away from it. When Duncan managed to get the upper hand, offering her one last chance for a new future based on love instead of manipulation? She stabbed him through the heart, literally. Duncan was forced to cut off her head to stop her. If she wasn't stopped, she was well on her way to Complete Monsterdom.
- Another one in Under Color of Authority we have Lawful Stupid Mako. A 800 year old lawman, he pursues anyone, no matter of guilt, innocence, or intent with deadly force for the bounty they have. Before the 20th century, this was an acceptable but regrettable practice. In the 20th Century, especially the late 20th century? He comes off as a man who has no real morals and even Duncan calls him out when he says "I am the law!" To get the bounty for a girl who fled Texas after she killed her abusive husband in self defense, he ran her over and showed absolutely NO remorse.
- Retroactive Recognition: The series contains repeated instances of this, particularly in the early seasons, including appearances by Jason "Lucius Malfoy" Isaacs, Ron "Hellboy" Perlman, and Marion "Mal" Cotillard.
- The Scrappy: Richie.