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Started in 1946, Highlights for Children is targeted at little kids, offering them entertainment and education. It features various comics, stories, articles and activities.

Notable sections:[]

  • Aloysius and…, stories about a wolf who constantly got into trouble. These ran until the 1990s.
  • Ask Arizona, a letters section
  • The Bear Family, a comic (1946-89, 1998-present) about a family of bears
  • Goofus and Gallant, which has its own page
  • The Timbertoes, a comic about a family made of wood
  • What's Wrong?: The back cover always includes intentional goofs for the children to spot.
  • Your Own Pages, drawings and poems submitted by readers

It also includes hidden-picture puzzles, joke and riddle sections, factual articles, craft pages and other features that have come and gone over time.

Tropes present:[]