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Highly Questionable Decisions is a humourous fanfic set by pictureswithboxes that features the Kiryuuins as being "completely happy, but no one's made out of life fibers." You can read the fanfic here.

Tropes Specific to Highly Questionable Decisions include:
  • Alternate Universe Fic: As the author put it, No one's made of life fibers.
  • Blind Without'Em: Subverted. While she does need glasses, Satsuki can function sans them but that would have one wonder as to how she was able to drive without them.
  • Brutal Honesty: Satsuki tries to be this with Ryuuko but the latter just shrugs it off
  • Children Are Innocent: A ten-year old Nui
  • Chronic Pet Killer: Nui's goldfish usually die, though this is played with, as her paren
  • Closer to Earth: Satsuki and Ragyou
  • Good Parents: Ragyou and Soichiro try to be.
  • Hot-Blooded: Ryuuko, again, and she has a penchant for picking fights, often landing her in detention.
  • Jerkass: Ryuuko
  • Meganekko: Satsuki
  • The Nicknamer: Ryuuko, again
  • Noodle Incident: There are several
    • There was the time with classroom blowing up in middle school and "the Xiao-Long fire" and apparently Satsuki had something to do with those incidents, according to Ryuuko.
    • There was the last time Mako held fireworks for Ryuuko.

Ryuuko: Nah, she can’t hold fireworks… Not after last time.

    • Various other things

Ragyou: No mindless destruction of public or private property, no pretending to be public officials. No calling Nicaragua, no adopting rabid animals. And absolutely no sneaking into the morgue and touching cadavers! No digging up corpses of any dead things to prove to Nui that they’re actually dead! Grandpa and Professor Ratigan are dead!

Tropes Specific to Absolute Idiot include:
  • Cloudcuckoolander: After taking Ryuuko's advice, Satsuki does sound like this
  • The Stoner: Subverted. Satsuki didn't consume any drugs, however, after she turns off her brain, she behaves like one. The others around her initially thought she was on drugs.
  • Self-Induced Allergic Reaction: When Satsuki eats peanut butter, at Ryuuko's suggestion after she turned off her brain, and is brought to the hospital for anaphylactic shock
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Satsuki asks something like this before eating something with peanuts in it
  • You Are Grounded: Ragyou says this as she drives her daughters home from the hospital.