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  • #3: Bouken Red helping the Akibarangers in Battle. With the Boukenger theme playing in the background.
  • #5: Yumeria's mother suddenly appearing in the Grand Delusion, where she transforms into Akiba Yellow and fights like a badass. Add the fact that she's Dead All Along and it's the Jetman episode all over again.
  • #7: We finally get our first giant robot battle. And it is glorious.
    • Followed by the Akibarangers and Itasshaa Robo breaking through into the real world!
    • Yumeria and Mitsuki reenact a scene from Z-Cune Aoi. What makes this better is that Keiichi Sato, the designer of Z-Cune, makes a Cameo as a patron in the cafe!
  • #8: Their first use of the Inordinate Cannon; They summon the sentai reds (Deka Red, Bouken Red, and Red Hawk) who transform into their Inordinate Powers then they combine into a BFG.
  • #9: Nobuo shows how much a determinator he is; He transforms in the real world and consecutively uses the Inordinate Powers against the MOTW and single-handedly defeated him.
    • Before that, we have the team finally getting the roll call down perfectly.