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- Basic Trope: Objects are labeled "His" and "Hers" in a couple's house.
- Played Straight: Bob's towel is labeled "His" and Alice's towel is labeled "Hers"
- Exaggerated: Alice and Bob have their own en suite bathrooms
- Up To Eleven: ... and everything in them is labelled 'his' or 'hers'
- Downplayed: Alice's towel is labeled "Alice" and Bob's towel is labeled "Bob"
- See "Double Subverted"
- Justified: Alice and Bob are Sleeping Single
- Alice and Bob are touchy about their possessions
- Inverted: Alice and Bob share everything.
- Subverted: Alice and Bob have their own bath towels, but they are not labeled.
- Double Subverted: At least, they aren't monogrammed. Alice's towel is pink, and Bob's is blue.
- Deconstructed: Bob breaks up with Alice and gets all the towels in the settlement. He immediately gives them to his new girlfriend, Claire, showing how depersonalized a simple pronoun is.
- Reconstructed:
- Parodied: Alice and Bob have an extra (little) towel labeled "Its" for their goldfish
- Everything in Alice and Bob's house is like this, from towels, to telephones, to front doors.
- Aaron and Bob have towels labelled 'his' and 'his'. Nobody can figure out whose is whose except them.
- Lampshaded:
- Averted: Alice and Bob don't label their possessions.
- Enforced:
- Invoked: Alice and Bob receive towels labeled "His" and "Hers" as wedding gifts.
- Defied: Alice and Bob agree to share everything.
- Discussed:
- Conversed:
- Played For Laughs: See "Parodied"
- Played For Drama: Alice and Bob's marriage starts to fall apart because someone grabbed the wrong towel early in the morning while not quite awake yet.
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