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  • Follow the Leader: The series is extremely similar in style to the reviews of SF Debris. Linkara definitely knows about his existence, due to the fact that he asked for permission for the use of Under Pressure in a similar way that SF Debris did.
    • More than that--he's been known to point people toward SF Debris' "Doctor Who 101" video if they have questions about where to start watching.
    • In regards to Power Rangers, the fanbase has changed it's opinion on several seasons, characters & aspects of the show following Linkara's retrospectives - For example, Carter Grayson used to be considered one of the more boring Red Rangers, but now has the reputation of a Memetic Badass.
  • He Panned It, Now He Sucks: Pretty much every video will be met with comments from people who call him an idiot because his opinion is different from theirs, or because he has zero interest in Super Sentai other than referencing it to explain elements of the show (like the weirder parts of Turbo spawning from Carranger being a parody).
    • Fortunately, most of the comments don't do this; they simply say they disagree with his opinion and state exactly why they disagree.
  • Reviews Are the Gospel: As true as the above point is, there are just as much people who treat Linkara's opinions as law, or act like he speaks for the entire Rangers fandom. He doesn't like Vypra? That means she's a bad character and/or is widely disliked. He loves Carter Grayson? That means Carter is the best Ranger ever, or at least, it means the entire fandom sees Carter that way. He doesn't like the Lighter and Softer installments? That means Rangers works best when it's serious.