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  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
    • A group of cavemen is led by Sid Caesar.
    • The Ethopian slave Josephus is played by tap-dancer Gregory Hines.
    • John Hurt is Jesus!
    • One of the two Jews describing how they were tortured by the Spaniards is everyone's favorite Jewish stand-up comic, Jackie Mason.
    • Bea Arthur cameoed as the lady in the vnemployment booth.
    • Cloris Leachman as Madame Defarge.
    • Hugh Hefner in Ancient Rome mentioning his invention of the centerfold.
    • David Lee Roth has a line during the Spanish Inquisition musical number.
    • And Madeline Kahn is Empress Nymphomaniac Nympho!
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Orson Welles is the narrator.
  • What Could Have Been: The role of Josephus was written with Richard Pryor in mind, but he was unable to accept due to his infamous freebasing accident in 1980.