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  • Acceptable Targets: The Spanish Inquisition are on the mission to convert the Jews, who are constantly abused and tortured for laughs. (Bonus points for Torquemada who is played by a Jew.)
  • Bowdlerization: AMC censorship ruins two of the film's best jokes.
    • Original joke:

 Dole Office Clerk: Occupation?

Comicus: Stand-up philosopher.

Dole Office Clerk: What?

Comicus: Stand-up philosopher. I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.

Dole Office Clerk: Oh, a *bullshit* artist!

Comicus: *Grumble*...

Dole Office Clerk: Did you bullshit last week?

Comicus: No.

Dole Office Clerk: Did you *try* to bullshit last week?

Comicus: Yes!

    • TV version:

 Dole Office Clerk: Oh, a *bull-

Comicus: *Grumbles*...

Dole Office Clerk: Did you bull- last week?

Comicus: No.

Dole Office Clerk: Did you *try* to bull- last week?

Comicus: Yes!

    • Original joke:

 Leader of Senate: All fellow members of the Roman senate hear me. Shall we continue to build palace after palace for the rich? Or shall we aspire to a more noble purpose and build decent housing for the poor? How does the senate vote?

Entire Senate: FUCK THE POOR!

Leader of Senate: Good.

    • TV version:

 Leader of Senate: All fellow members of the Roman senate hear me. Shall we continue to build palace after palace for the rich? Or shall we aspire to a more noble purpose and build decent housing for the poor? How does the senate vote?

Entire Senate: (raise arms and grumble to themselves)

Leader of Senate: Good.

  • Arguably, Bowlderization actually makes one moment funnier:
    • Original version:

 Roman Soldier: Moooove that miserable piece of SHIT!

    • TV version:

 Roman Soldier: Moooove that miserable piece of SHOOOIIIT!
