Hitler's Revenge was a NES game scheduled to be released in 1986. For better or for worse, this game never saw the release and allegedly was lost for future generations. Only a 5-minute-long gameplay video was recovered and uploaded on YouTube in 2008.
The game takes place in bright colorful world, where unnamed cook is trying to get to leper colony to get treatment before it's too late. To do so, he has to avoid multiple enemies and devious traps.
Tropes used in Hitler's Revenge include:
- All Deserts Have Cacti: And said cacti are after you
- Chest Monster: Boxer glove pops out of treasure chest and kills cook
- Drugs Are Bad: Rare example when it was done right. Green mushroom makes you feel like you're king of the world, but then you hit bottom of Bottomless Pit
- Downer Ending: Cook never reached Leper colony (Unless it was just a Bad Ending)
- Driven to Suicide: Cook hangs himself when faced unwinnable situation
- Everything Is Trying to Kill You: Oh yes. Ducks, mimes, descending celling, TV dropped in water, shells throwing pearl on you, cloud are falling on you and trees eat you.
- Harmless Freezing: Averted, when water freezes arond you - you die
- Guns Akimbo: Ghost used it.
- Improbable Weapon User: Cook throws cakes to kill enemies
- Kung Fu-Proof Mook: Some enemies are immune to cake throwing
- Leap of Faith: Cook took one, but it Gone Horribly Wrong
- Naked People Are Funny: And they die of embarrassment.
- Nintendo Hard
- Non-Indicative Name: Unless Hitler is a mastermind behind all the horror protagonist faces, there is no Hitler in a game and no revenge.
- Orbital Shot: One when cook was trapped in burp bubble and leaved atmosphere.
- Our Ghosts Are Different: They shoot you with guns
- Platform Hell
- Trial and Error Gameplay: How was player supposed to know that there is grinder behind door?
- Video Game Cruelty Punishment: Angry momma penguin arrives after you killed her children.