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Hobgoblins contains examples of:[]

  • Erection Rejection: Did anyone find Kyle's fantasy woman attractive? Anyone?
  • Ham and Cheese: Daran Norris is abut the only truly funny thing in the movie, due to his bizarre mannerisms as the Club Scum MC.
    • Thankfully this movie didn't immediately kill his career, either. He went on to do a lot of voice acting roles afterwards.
  • Narm: It's in abundance, but the moment that really stands out is the infamous rake fight.
  • Retroactive Recognition: This was his first film role ever, but Daran Norris would go on to achieve a successful career - becoming Cosmo, Dick Daring, J. Jonah Jameson and many more.
  • The Scrappy: Most of the cast, especially Kevin and his circle of friends. Kevin is essentially a Scrappy Hero with his constant mewling and whining. For his loser friends, Daphne and Kyle especially stand out for their Scrappyness.
  • Special Effects Failure: The Hobgoblins were basically stuffed animals. Only one was an actual puppet that could have its mouth opened and closed with a hand inside it.
  • Squick
  • Snark Bait
  • So Bad It's Good: It's about as good as the movie can hope for.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Clearly, the movie would have been much better if Dennis, the irreverent music lover, were the hero. This is probably because no matter how stupid his friends are, there's no way they'd be as annoying as Kevin and his pals.
  • Unfortunate Implications. The only way Amy becomes likable is by becoming slutty, which is really sad because she looked a lot prettier before turning slut.