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  • Awesome Music: Several tracks however the John Carpenter inspired Plague Theme Hunters by Power Glove takes the cake.
  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Seriously, what was the deal with the tentacles?
    • They're breaking out of the portal to hell in the Plague's basement.
  • Complete Monster: Both Drake and Slick.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Beating a man to death with baseball bats? Disturbing. Three topless women beating a man who's hung by his feet like a pinata, followed by Drake slashing his guts open and the girls cheering? Bloody Hilarious.
  • Moment of Awesome: Abby's tussle with The Drake at the end of the movie in which, after getting her hand messily destroyed with a lawn mower, she turns it around and repeatedly shanks him with the exposed arm bone!
  • Narm: Like all good grindhouse tributes, this is invoked. The hobo often goes on nonsensical ice cream koans, dramatic scenes have bizarre dialogue, and... interesting faces are made.