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  • Schultz, disguised as a general, scaring the pants off a couple of Gestapo agents and sending them fleeing out the door. Being completely drunk probably helped his acting skills.
  • Carter's accidental infiltration of the German army. He gets his hands on the recaptured dynamite but not the detonator box, so he instead blows up the bridge with a stolen German tank. When Carter drops the Idiot Ball, he can get pretty awesome.
  • Kinchloe's boxing match against Battlin' Bruno. Bruno has metal hidden in his boxing gloves and Kinchloe (by far the better boxer) has to stall but not defeat him until LeBeau has finished raiding Klink's office while the Germans are distracted. Once LeBeau returns he wipes the floor with Bruno--only to collapse immediately afterwards and have Hogan declare the unconscious Bruno the winner. This both technically lets Bruno win and keeps anyone from getting shot, and clearly shows the Americans won at the same time.
  • Then there's a meta-CMOA. At the time the show was broadcast, many Southern networks would air shows with the black characters edited out to avoid offending delicate sensitivities. However, the black Sgt. Kinchloe was made such a prominent character that it was impossible to cut him out and still have a comprehensible episode, so Hogan's Heroes was never deblackified.