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Basic Trope: Someone (usually a Villain) lifts someone else (usually a stunned or unconscious hero over his head.
- Straight: Major Mayhem grabs Zack and lifts him over his head in a threatening display of strength.
- Exaggerated: Major Mayhem lifts Zack with one hand.
- Justified: Major Mayhem most likely has Super Strength, or maybe Zack is just a lightweight Kid Hero.
- Inverted: Zack lifts Major Mayhem above his head.
- Subverted: Mayhem has Zack cornered and wounded in front of a ledge on a high building. Despite this being an ideal time to show off his strength and finish off Zack, he doesn't..
- Double Subverted:..Until Zack throws a punch, which Mayhem catches and pulls him in to an overhead lift.
- Parodied: At first, we see Zack desperately struggling in someone's grasp who has lifted him over their head. Then the camera zooms out to show that his pissed-off girlfriend is the one doing the lifting.
- Deconstructed: Zack is easily able to strike at Mayhem while he's being lifted.
- Reconstructed: Which is why Mayhem makes a point of knocking him out before picking him up.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: ???
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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