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A miniseries made in 1978. It tells the story of two families. The Weiss family, a Jewish family consisting of patriarch Josef Weiss, his wife Bertha, and three children Anna, Rudi, and Karl, as well as Karl's German wife Inga. The other family is the Dorf family, consisting of Erik, Marta, Peter, and Laura. Erik Dorf joins the SS due to economic problems, and goaded on by his ambitious wife Marta, rises through the ranks to help plan out the holocaust. It takes place over a span of 10 years, from 1935 to 1945.

Tropes used in Holocaust (miniseries) include:
  • Heel Realization/Villainous BSOD: Dorf experiences this in the final episode. After his excuses are torn up he looks at the atrocities he helped to create and finally realizes that he has become a monster.
  • Jerkass: Mueller
  • Kick the Dog: Mueller essentially rapes Inga and then mocks Karl about it. What a dick.
  • Lady Macbeth: Marta Dorf.