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  • Mark's "Greased Lightning" video for the Hot Rod reveal.
  • Also, the finale, featuring the more popular supporting players, alongside Mario Andretti, performing "Burning Down The House" on very... unique instruments.
  • Tim beating Al and PGA golfer Payne Stewart in a longest drive contest using a modified golf club that fired a piston into the ball using a .44 Magnum charge.
    • What really makes this is as the virtual ball he hit flies into space, Also sprach Zarathustra plays and the announcer tells tim "You da man!"
  • Tim launched a grill into low Earth orbit.
  • Tim's truly awe-inspiring Badass Boast when Brad's car is stolen and stripped.

Jill: There's nothing they can do.
Tim: Well, maybe there's nothing they can do, but there's something I can do. I'm the guy that delivered a baby after being crowned car guy of the year. The same night. I'm the guy that built a lawn mower that can do 12 seconds in the 1/4 mile. I'm the guy that put a barbecue grill in geosynchronous orbit, so don't you tell me there's nothing we can do. I'm the Tool Man. I can fix anything!
Jill: Ok. fine. Then zip up your fly and let's go.

  • The man's...anything. Just the man's gym alone has an exercise bike made from a Harley Davidson.

"You have beginner rider, expert rider, or for when you don't feel like peddling at all, you have easy rider."

  • Tim's haunted house setup in his basement, which he calls "The Catacomb of Terror", in the episode "The Haunting Of Taylor House". Especially the part where it scares the crap out of a bratty kid at Brad's halloween party.
    • While we're on the subject, how about the Halloween episodes in general?
  • After the boys wreck an autographed remote control Indy car they'd just bought, Jill's method of teaching them a lesson is right out of the Clair Huxtable Handbook: she fakes a phone call from a potential buyer for the Indy car offering hundreds of dollars for it.