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  • Leon vs. Tarantula. The first is unarmed, te second has a gun and shoots at him several times. Leon wins.
    • Even earlier, Leon manages to make the Count back off when he's harrassing Jeudi. With words alone.
  • And Martha calling Hans out on betraying Jeudi and Lundi.
  • Jeudi and Lundi working at their hardest to avert a train crash.
  • Not to mention what may be the best: Leon using the "Nazi concert" both to escape with Jeudi from the Nazis, and to give a massive "fuck you" to them via inserting Alpine Rose at the end. WOW.
  • Also Helene undoing Tranchert's Hostage Situation via grabbing on his leg and giving Lundi time to pounce on him and let Jeudi escape. Notice that what makes this awesome is not just Helen being a Mama Bear, but how she does this despite being a very weakened and blind Ill Girl, therefore she was pretty much going towards Tranchart in the dark and almost unable to pinpoint his location, except for hearing his voice. See it here
  • Chapter 17 of the manga gives us Robert revealing that he took a photo of Germont killing Hans and can denounce him to the police for murder and Countess Francoise telling her husband that he's full of shit, and revealing why does he chase Jeudi. And after this, not only she pulls a gun on Germont, but she saves Leon from dying in a fire with Germont and herself.