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The character page for Honoo no Alpen Rose!
Jeudi aka Alicia Brandel[]
- Attractive Bent Gender - Bifauxnen: Manga only.
- Heartwarming Orphan
- Hospital Hottie: Anime only
- Important Haircut: Manga only
- The Ingenue
- My Name Is Not Alicia Brandel!: She says this not because she hates her heritage, but because Lundi named her.
- Plucky Girl
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Her heart is only Lundi's.
- Sole Survivor: Of a plain crash, alongside Printempts. Subverted later
- Unwanted Harem: Sorta. The Count and Leon show attraction to her, but she only loves Lundi.
- Yoshino Takamori
Lundi Courtout[]
- Badass Normal: Stands out in a non-fighting anime for always doing what he thinks it's right and putting himself at great risk to protect Jeudi and others
- Brainy Brunette: Not booksmart (though not super Book Dumb either), but is a very fast thinker
- Keiichi Nanba
- Knight in Shining Armor: To Jeudi. Lampshaded in the OP.
- Nice Guy
- Victorious Childhood Friend: He and Lundi hook up very fast. The problem is less about their feelings and more about staying together through their hardships.
Count George de Germont[]
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Domestic Abuser: He doesn't beat up his beautiful wife, but his behavior to her is very psychologically abusive.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: What he wants to do to Jeudi.
- Les Collaborateurs.
- Loving a Shadow: His first and eternal love was a girl named Helene. He chases Jeudi around because she's identical to her (and is her child but he doesn't know it), so she reminds him of the woman he loved but couldn't have.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Shuichi Ikeda
- Smug Snake
Countess Francoise de Germont[]
- Green-Eyed Monster: To Jeudi, but not because of the Count's love - it's because she envies how Jeudi says no to the Count and stands her ground.
- Love Martyr: And very, very painfully aware of it.
- Murder-Suicide: Invoked in episode 17 of the manga. In the Hostage Situation she shoots Germont, but knowing that she still loves him despite everything, she stays by him in the burning mansion.
- The Ojou
- Spoiled Sweet
- Rihoko Yoshida
Leonhardt "Leon" Aschenbach[]
- Elegant Classical Musician
- Guile Hero
- Kazuhiko Inoue
- La Résistance
- Teen Genius
- Tsundere
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Jeudi.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Has lilac hair in the anime
Helene Durant aka Helene Brandel[]
- Chekhov's Gunman: She's the woman who rejected Germont's love in the past. And Germont later finds her daughter Alicia/Jeudi and also chases after her, specifically because she looks like Helene. (Though he won't know who she really is until much later.)
- Break the Cutie
- Hot Mom
- Generation Xerox: Sher and Jeudi are almost identical in both looks and personality.
- Ill Girl: Has a weak heart and almost non-existent eyesight.
- Missing Mom: Jeudi's.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: She and Friederich.
Friederich Brandel[]
- Chekhov's Gunman: Who knew that his Alpine Rose song would be so in-story important?
- Break the Cutie
- Disappeared Dad: Twice, and not willingly either time. The second one was forever. Waaaaaah!
- Hot Dad Jeudi's
- Kill the Cutie
- La Résistance
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Him and Helene.
General Henri Guisan[]
- Bald of Awesome
- Chekhov's Gunman Gives Jeudi the first clues about her heritage. Later reappears with a vengeance.
- Historical Domain Character
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Defeat Means Friendship: Gets in a fight with Lundi, but when Jeudi shows up and it turns out she saved his sister, he befriends them.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Promotion to Parent
- Team Dad
- What Have I Become?: When he gives in and rats Jeudi and Lundi out to get money for Clara's hospital bills, Martha calls him out.
- Yoku Shioya
- Chekhov's Gunwoman: She also knows the Alpine Rose song.
- Innocent Flower Girl
- Noriko Hidaka
- Plucky Girl
- Team Mom
Marie Muller[]
- Ill Girl: Was in a wheelchair for years. Seeing Lundi's strength to live motivated her to get better.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Arranged Marriage: She and Johan, though may have started to become a little fonder of him.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Spoiled Sweet: Is childish, but not a bad person
- Tsundere
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In the anime her hair is dark-blue
- Crazy Jealous Guy: A little, for Liesl. He gets better, as it's more about immaturity than true crazy jealousy.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Lovable Coward
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: When he realizes it
- Shigeru Nakahara
Robert Lewis[]
- Chekhov's Gunman: He takes a photo of Germont shooting Hans in the border.
- Intrepid Reporter
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Those Wacky Nazis Subverted, he's The Mole.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Tarantula (real name: Jean Jacques Cortot.)[]
- Cain and Abel: He is Lundi's missing older brother, which puts them at odds since he works for the Count
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Cold Sniper
- Even Evil Has Standards: Refuses to work for the Count anymore when he says he wants to kill General Guisan
- Show Hayami
- Body Double: She poses as Jeudi as a part of Tranchart's plans.
- Daddy's Little Villain: Unlike her older sister Madeleine.
- Saeko Shimazu
Renaud Duvaut[]
- The Dragon: To Germont
- High-Class Glass
- Those Wacky Nazis