Hoofstuck is a crossover Fan Web Comic between My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic and Homestuck that is driven by reader suggestions. The current forum thread can be found here.
Pinkie Pie has invented a new game that can alter the fabric of reality and threatens to destroy all of Equestria. Does nopony but Twilight think this is a bad idea?
This comic contains examples of:[]
- Anachronic Order
- Art Shift:
- When Fluttershy enters her imagination and becomes Fluttersleuth.
- When the Crusaders ask Pinkie about things at the Sugarcube Corner, the page turns into a crayon-illustrated "Ask A Pony" tumblr layout.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: For the sake of immersiveness, Pinkie Pie decides to stop doing this until the end of the story. However, she hints that other ponies will break the wall in her place.
- The Cameo: Ponified versions of the four Homestuck Kids appear in Twilight's Imagine Spot.
- Family Relationship Switcheroo: Rainbow Dash was actually adopted by Scootaloo's parents. However, their father believes that Rainbow Dash came from Chrysaor, the rainbow pony god, which is why he insists that Dash is his niece and that his wife and other daughter follow suit.
- Foregone Conclusion: It looks like the ponies will be successful in SBALE, and they may even save Equestria from being destroyed. Rarity may also go God Tier in a possible future.
- Gilligan Cut: As Twilight Sparkle talks about how Rarity wouldn't risk Equestria being destroyed for an adventure we cut to Rarity watching Twilight with her own SBALE console. Which then cuts to Celestia watching Rarity.
- Les Yay: To the point that one command suggest that Sparkler is Ponyville's sole adult heterosexual mare. (Although there are a few more.) The UST is clearly present between Rainbow Dash and Applejack, Twilight admits having a tentative relationship with Colgate, and Fluttershy is analysing her growing attraction to Rarity after befriending her, although she may just be confused since Rarity is her first real friend. (Rarity is confirmed as heterosexual.)
- Happily Adopted: It looks like the Mane Six all came from meteors. It's less than clear if other ponies also were made in the SBALE session.
- Imagine Spot: Twilight has access to a transcribed copy of Rose's FAQ. Like Kanaya in Homestuck canon, Twilight Sparkle imagines the Homestuck Kids as her own species.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: In this story, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are cousins, likely a nod to fandom theories that they were related. It turns out that they're actually siblings by adoption, see Family Relationship Switcheroo above.
- Mythology Gag:
- Rarity finds Sparkler's name appealing "for some undefinable reason", a reference to the G1 pony Sparkler who Rarity was based on.
- A mysterious pony tries to remember Fluttershy's name — "Posie or something?" Again, a G1 reference.
- One of Us: Take a look at the third command on the first page.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Filly!Dash's griffon disguise, which was immediately seen through.
- Power Gives You Wings: Possible Future Rarity seems to have wings; it's likely that this is the result of going God Tier.
- Psychic Dreams for Everyone: As in Homestuck canon, but the twist is that Rarity awakened on Prospit before SBALE starts - or even before the Mane Six first met each other.
- Shout-Out:
- There are a boatload of references and Running Gags taken from the source materials.
- Applejack's fetch modus is based on Apples to Apples.
- Friendship specibi can potentially be set to sassygaykind. Also joeykind, monicakind, phoebekind, rachelkind, chandlerkind, and rosskind.
- Pokey Pierce is turned into Pokey the Penguin.
- "Certainly you got rather more adventure than you bargained for today — it’s a dangerous business, really, walking out your front door..."
- There's a reference to Friendship Is Witchcraft's unusual Sound Effect Bleeps when Twilight accidentally uproots one of AJ's trees.
- Cloud Kicker is unable to say anything other than "Cloud!", a trait shared by background ponies in that particular abridgement.
- Also, Rarity mentions the Sleep Song.
- Fluttershy recalls the story of Daring Do and the Lady and the Tiger.
- Rainbow Dash crashes into the taffy machine. "Boy, when you go to visit Pinkie, you expect to have a good time, not to be turned into some sort of colorful food!"
- The page "TS: Play a wicked trumpet solo to unwind a little" contains a reference to the Funny Background Event in this video.
- One of Granny Smith's stories contains a Shout-Out to APPLE.MOV: "...and she ate eleven apples and five of those were in a single sitting! Why, the rest of us just sat there and stared, I can tell you. 'Apple Bloom,' we told her, 'you can't eat all those apples!' But she went and said..."
- The time-travelling Mysterious Mare-Do-Well paraphrases Back to The Future 2: "Third, if you ever have a daughter who, when she's eight years old, accidentally sets fire to the living room rug, go easy on her."
- Pinkie Pie has a variation of shinigami eyes, as shown when she's setting up the Pegasus Rescue Party. In her case, it shows a pony's name, description and time until their next birthday, rather than time until death.
- Take That: The CMC had at some point attempted to make toy ponies. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash remark on how shoddy and inaccurate the results are.
- That Came Out Wrong:
- Rainbow Dash, when trying to figure out how to captchalogue Pokey Pierce.
But even if you went and found a sack or something, you'd bet it'd be pretty tough to get Pokey in the sack. |
- Fluttersleuth contemplates a wall painting in her imagination zone:
You'd guess Pinkie Pie did this, it wouldn't be the first time she's appeared in your fantasies, and... meep! |
- Unstoppable Rage: Fluttershy shows some signs of a mysterious, bloodthirsty rage — first when meeting Angel Bunny, and again in a bad timeline, after facing an Eldritch Abomination that caused her to Go Mad From the Revelation.
- ↑ Alternatively, "Buy some apples!" could be read as the actual curse, with Twilight making a quick recovery afterward.