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  • Development Hell: Blue Sky reported to have the rights to Horton Hatches The Egg, but that was years ago, and so far nothing has come of it.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: In the 1970 special, both Horton and the narrator are Captain Hook, and the Kangaroo is Granny (among many, many others).
  • Shout-Out: Several in The Movie to various Dr. Seuss works.
    • One Who has a blue hat similar to the one worn by The Cat in the Hat, as well as a few of The Cat's mannerisms (including a smaller version of himself underneath his hat).
    • The Mayor and his family eat Green Eggs and Ham for breakfast.
    • The city council seems to consist of Grinches.
    • Rudy's imaginary clover friend is named "Thiddwick", a refrence to Thiddwick the Moose
    • The Mayor has a red fish as a pet, possibly a refrence to One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
    • One of the portraits of past mayors was Dr Seuss himself (specifically, the one of Ned's father)!
  • The Other Darrin: The 1970 special is very inconsistent in voicing background characters. This is most notable in the "Mrs. Toucanella" number, where the birds seem to have different voices every line.