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"I'm your Venus, I'm your fire, at your desire."
—Shocking Blue, Venus
Thalia: Wow. Apollo is hot. |
When the gods are divine in their beauty as well as power, they've earned the right to be called a Hot God.
Invariably, a Love Goddess is always a Hot God. Note also that several goddesses (from a multitude of pantheons) were seen as befitting of the Lady of War/Hot Chick with a Sword/Hot Amazon archetypes, so it seems divine power may be telling of how attractive power is.
See the related Angelic Beauty for the divinely beautiful on the lower end of the cosmic totem pole. Consequently, see Horny Devils and Hot as Hell for a Hot God's infernal rivals in looks.
Not to Be Confused With something that you put jelly on... except in very specific fantasies.
Examples of Hot God include:
Anime and Manga[]
- The goddesses of Ah! My Goddess.
- Zeus of Saint Beast is every bit as good looking as his Angelic Beauty harem.
- Kamisama Kazoku is quite possibly full of them.
- Haruhi Suzumiya.
- Father in Fullmetal Alchemist after he absorbs Truth and becomes a god, and winds up looking almost exactly like the Bishonen main brothers and the young version of their father. Perhaps to discourage Draco In Leather Pantsing, the anime had him keep his old man voice while in that form.
- In Saint Seiya, the human incarnations of Gods like Saori/Athena, Julian/Poseidon, Abel/Apollo, etc. are very good-looking.
- Hanuman from The Return of Hanuman has a Heroic Build, which might be the reason a squirrel is really attracted to him.
- God (played by Alanis Morissette) in Dogma could count as one. Jay mentions when She kissed him, he popped a semi.
- Elric of Melnibone stories. The Lord of Law Donblas the Justice Maker and Arioch, a Lord of Chaos.
- Arioch can take many forms, not all of which are appealing.
- Percy Jackson and The Olympians, being based on Greek Mythology and all. The gods have the power to change into whatever they want to look like, but special focus is given on the total hotness of Apollo and Aphrodite.
- The Valar in The Silmarillion. In their case they're spiritual beings and when they walk among the Children of Eru they regard their bodies the way the Children of Eru regard fine clothes-as something to put on to impress others. In effect their bodies are a kind of Ermine Cape Effect. They choose whether to take a masculine or a feminine body depending on what suits their personality.
- Dweia from The Redemption of Althalus.
Live Action TV[]
- Pretty much every single God ever in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess.
- In season 6 of Supernatural, Castiel is acting as God and makes numerous appearances around the globe. One parishoner describes him:
- "We all saw him. No beard, no robe. He was young and… and sexy. He had a raincoat—"
Mythology and Religion[]
- Aphrodite/Venus may as well be the Ur Example since it was kind of her main shtick.
- Other hot Greco-Roman gods were Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes, Hera, Ares and... well, most of them really. Hephaestus was the only real exception, described as ugly, misshapen, and often deformed.
- Babylonian: Ishtar
- Aztec Mythology: Tlazolteotl [dead link]
- Though she had an alternate form that subverted this all to hell.
- Also, she happens to be the Goddess that causes sexually transmitted disease.
- Egyptian Mythology: Isis, Nephthys, Bast. And Anubis, at least for the Furry Fandom.
- Finnish: Loviatar
- Norse Mythology: Sif, Freyja, Baldr. (Loki isn't bad-looking, but his tendency to change sexes when he feels like it and his personality issues are more attractive to modern admirers than to Old Norse believers.)
- Sumerian: Inanna
- Japanese Mythology: Benten
Tabletop RPG[]
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Dragonlance: Takhisis (human form)
- Elven: Eilistraee, Hanali Celanil, Lolth (human/elf form)
- Forgotten Realms: Angharradh, Corellon Larethian, Sune, Sharess
- Exalted: Luna is both a Hot God and Hot Goddess. (This is in a setting where Everyone Is Bi.)
- Scion has notes about how the few aversions in their pantheon handle it.
Video Games[]
- Cosmos of Dissidia Final Fantasy.
- Depending on your interpretation, the superboss of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Minerva, is strongly related to The Planet's consciousness, either being its physical embodiment or goddess. Here, take a look.
- Fire Emblem:
- Fire Emblem Gaiden has two Dragon Gods named Mila and Duma, but Mila was never shown and Duma was seen as in his monsterous forms. The remake, Echoes, has Mila appear in person and she fits in to a T, being a basically a very beautiful woman with pointed ears, wings (made of her hair) and a tail; from Duma's part he was shown as a Dragon and as a pointy-eared human implied with his Face Framed in Shadow, and then Fire Emblem: Heroes showed him as quite the Hunk.
- Naga the Divine Dragon was initially depicted as a male God, but later renditions (especially Awakening) show her as a VERY lovely-looking goddess and has stayed as such.
- Fire Emblem Tellius has Ashera, the Goddess of Order and Restriction. While she is only mentioned in lore in Radiance, she is actually seen in Dawn. Very beautiful, perhaps otherworldly so, but she's evil. This is explained by the backstory: When the Goddess of Dawn Ashunera became so overcome by her emotions in response to the warring nations of the world, she accidentally summoned a calamitous deluge that wiped out most of the world. In order to prevent this from happening again, a grieving Ashunera discarded her emotions. Ashunera became Ashera (who retained her original self's maturity), while her emotions manifested as Yune, the cute, childlike Goddess of Chaos and Transformation. Go through a few hoops (namely, recruit her Dragon Sephiran/Lehran during New Game+) and the benevolent Ashunera will return during the extended epilogue.
- Fire Emblem: Heroes has the incarnations of the foundign Gods of Askr and Embla, Lord Askr (a VERY Hunky Mr. Fanservice) and Lady Embla (a VERY somberly beautiful Dark Magical Girl).
- Vanaheimr, the Realm of Light, is a land whose Royal Family members are referred to as Gods. This includes King Njörðr (both the Vanaheimr King and the God of the Sea), his younger sister Nerþuz (Goddess of the Land), Njörðr's children (King Freyr and his sister Lady Frejya) and Kvasir, the Goddess of Light... and the soon-to-be Gullveig aka the Golden Seer.
- Ys I & II feature Feena and Leah.
- La Pucelle Tactics has Goddess Poitreene.
- Asura and Inanna (who were based on Hindu and Sumerian gods, respectively) from Tales of Innocence.
- The Harvest God (a red-haired hunk) and the Harvest Goddess (who looks different in most of her incarnations but is still beautiful all the same) of Harvest Moon.
- Palutena of Kid Icarus.
- Medusa (the Big Bad) originally co-ruled Angel Land with Palutena until she was banished for her spiteful action towards humans. Palutena cursed her, transforming her into a giant, cyclopic, snake-haired monster, but upon defeat, she assumes a less hideous appearance. Her redesign in the upcoming Kid Icarus Uprising cements her as a Cute Monster Girl/Gorgeous Gorgon.
- Touhou: Suwako is more Cute God than Hot God, but there is the fact that Sanae is her great-great-great-...-granddaughter.
- Yukari may not technically be a goddess, despite being older than the land of Gensokyo itself, but she is quite attractive.
- Shinki is Hot as Hell and "the God of Makai".
- Grune of Tales of Legendia turns out to be one of these.
- Muramasa: The Demon Blade gives us the pair of Fujin and Raijin. Fujin is more "Cute" than "Hot", while Raijin plays this trope completely straight. Given their interactions in the story (notably, he being one of the few people who can bring out her softer side), it's a safe bet to assume that they're lovers.
- Raiden. He assumes the form of a handsome adult male with a Nice Hat; his alternate costume in the DA/D/A trilogy ditches the hat, revealing Raiden to have a Long-Haired Pretty Boy mane of White-Haired Pretty Boy. In fact, he's one the prime sources of Mr. Fanservice among female fans of the series. It's a bit of a stretch, but the likes of Fujin and the nameless Water and Fire Gods could also fit the bill.
- In Armageddon, the defeat of Blaze usually results in the victor being granted a surge of godlike power, but only a few of them actually become bona-fide gods. Rain and Taven (both demi-gods; they share a father in Edenia's protector god Argus) ascend to full godhood, whereas the younger Sub-Zero and Nitara respectively assume the form of an ice god and blood goddess. Kira is transformed into a goddess of death at the behest of Kobra, who demands the Elder Gods to make him Lord of the Realms and give him his fellow Black Dragon clanswoman to be his wife (this backfires, as Kobra crumbles into ashes when Kira kisses him). The Elder Gods also turn Sheeva into a destroyer goddess in her ending. Liu Kang, on the other hand, defeats his former Mentors Raiden (now a vengeful god willing to protect Earthrealm at any cost) and succeeds him as protector god of Earthrealm. The last one happens again in Liu Kang's Arcade Ladder ending MK9, although Liu Kang ends up as a power-mad tyrant.
- Cetrion, the Elder Goddess of Life, Virtue and Light, is basically Mother Nature as a fighting game character. And she's also very beautiful.
- Althena and Lucia in the Lunar series.
- Any of the goddesses in Hyperdimension Neptunia. Especially former goddess Magiquone/Arfoire
- The night elf goddess Elune is depicted (at least in the RPG book Shadows & Light) as an attractive night elf female with very little clothing.
- Technically averted with Almalexia from Morrowind, who is too low-polygon to be considered any kind of hot, but in-game books really do describe her as an example of this trope. She also wears Vapor Wear.
- You can also download high-poly Almalexia mods.
- In God of War, the female residents of Olympus are hot, and in the case of Aphrodite, NSFW. Male gods, however, are much less attractive and in some cases, downright hideous. But then, all of them are presented as enemies.
Web Original[]
- All the New Olympians at Whateley Academy in the Whateley Universe. The avatar of Aphrodite, in particular, likes to use her beauty and lust aura to manipulate men. Fey, as one of the Nine Queens of the ancient Sidhe would count too.
Western Animation[]
- Princess Celestia from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is not only drawn more aesthetically pleasing than the rest of the cast, but also appears to be the ideal of equine beauty in Equestria.
- Her younger sister, Princess Luna (once Nightmare Moon), is also beautiful. She seems to be more popular with the fandom, thanks to Celestia supposedly being a cruel tyrant.
- In Disney's Hercules, the Greek gods seem to have been purposely designed with the intent to make them "larger than life" with brightly colored skin, giving both Aphrodite and Athena unearthly beauty.
- Eris (Greek Goddess of Discord) is a Recurring Character in The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and her skimpy toga, flowing, blonde hair and Impossible Hourglass Figure put her squarely in the Trope. Adonis too, but he only shows up once.