![1281119960-house party 1990 movie poster 5779](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allthetropes/images/8/8f/1281119960-house_party_1990_movie_poster_5779.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240924143554)
Whose ready to blow the roof off this joint?!
House Party was a series of movies that were starring vehicles for the rap duo Kid n' Play (Christopher Reid and Christopher Martin). As the title suggest, each movies find the two hosting a house party. Though at a different location and for different reasons.
The first movie, released in 1990, was centered around a house party hosted by Play as his folks were out of town. Kid is invited of course among a slew of other friends. However the day of the party, he gets in trouble with the local bullies (r&b group Full Force) and causes a fight at his school. His father (comedian Robin Harris) is informed of this and bars Kid from going to the party. Kid manages to sneak out anyway and hilarity ensues both at the party and afterward proving to be a long night for everyone invovled.
The second film (1991) sets Kid, now living with Play after his father died (as Harris had died not long after finishing the first movie) off to college thanks to some charity of his local church. Much to the chagrin of his friend who wants Kid to go into music with him after they got the attention of a record producer. Misfortune however befalls Kid no sooner then he starts his semester after he loses his tuition money. One thing leads to another before the duo wind up hosting a party on the campus to help Kid stay in college.
The third movie (1994) see Kid getting married to his girlfriend Veda (who was introduced in this movie rather then his past girlfriend Sydney (Tisha Campbell)). Play meanwhile has gone into the music business as a manager to a female rap trio, Sex as a Weapon (TLC). Of course though things get complicated before everything winds down to a bachelor party thrown for Kid. This film was notable for debuting Chris Tucker and featuring the rap group Immature later known as I Mx who play as Kid's nephews.
And speaking of I Mx, seven years after the part 3 came and went in the theaters. A fourth movie was made in 2001 that was a direct to video feature, staring said rap group. Subtitled "Down To The Last Minute", the film focuses on Jon Jon (Marques Houston, playing a completely different character from part 3) house sitting for his rich and very strict Uncle Charles's mansion, being told right from the get go not to have anyone over. Of course Jon Jon quickly disobeys him once he out of sight and throws a bash. Inevitably Charles' vacation goes south and he set to come home. Forcing Jon Jon and his friends Mark and T (Jerome Jones and Kelton "LDB" Kessee, Houston's fellow bandmates) to frantically fix up the house or face Charles' wraith.
House Party provides the following tropes:[]
- Actor Existence Failure: Robin Harris in the second film.
- Be Yourself: Uncle Vester (Bernie Mac) tells Kid to do this in a hilarious way.
- Brick Joke: The first film begins at a party that literally blows the roof off the house. At the end of the film, it drops down on two very racist cops that were hassling Kid and later his dad during the movie.
- Direct to Video: Fourth Film
- Dumbass DJ: Bilal
- Don't Make Me Take My Belt Off: Kid's dad, Mr. Harris
- Even Evil Has Standards: In the first movie Stab (the bully that hassles kid at the start) after getting rejected to Play's party, decides to burn the place down in retribution. His two brothers Pee-Wee and Zilla find the idea a little extreme. Beating people one thing but burning them is line crossing.
- Heel Face Turn: The bullies later end up helping Kid out at the end of the second movie.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: A lot of well know African American actors here. To name a few: Martin Lawrence and Tisha Campbell, A.J. Johnson, Robin Harris, George Clinton, Queen Latifah, John Witherspoon, and TLC among others.
- Lightswitch Surprise: At the end of the first movie, Kid's father catches up to him. Cue the hilarious monologue punctuated by belt cracks and cries of pain.
- Oh Crap: Kid's expression during the the aforementioned Lightswitch Surprise.
- Only Sane Man: Kid, also a Dogged Nice Guy and Straight Man.
- The Danza: Kid n Play of course along with Robin Harris (known as Mr. Harris in the film.)
- The Nineties: The first three movies really show it. Considering this was made at the rise of rap music, its not surprising.
- You Need a Breath Mint: Bilal
- Wild Teen Party: Mostly the first two movies.