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 Edwin: So Doctor Loeb, tell me a little bit about your business plan.

Dr. Loeb: World domination!!!

Edwin: That's really more of a goal than a plan.

Dr. Loeb: Domination!!!Domination!!!Domination!!!

Edwin: I'll just put down 'Mergers and Acquisitions'.


The Podcast How to Succeed in Evil is essentially a Deconstruction and parody of the Superhero genre. In the story, supervillains are a dime a dozen, and constantly rob banks, cause destruction, and all the other cliche things that villains do. Meanwhile, superheroes are anything but heroic; and frequently do much more harm in trying to subdue villains than good.

Enter Edwin Windsor, a man who becomes the first "Evil Efficiency Consultant", a freelance adviser for supervillains. While he does very well, he is constantly frustrated by his job because of the sheer idiocy of the villains he is forced to work with. Although he tends to provide villains with marvelous plans, their dim wits and large egos eventually cause Edwin's clients to mess everything up for themselves. Edwin still gets paid, so he tries not to think about it.

But eventually, Edwin cannot take the inefficient and wasteful nature of his clients and the world at large, and decides to finally cross the threshold into full supervillainy. As described by the author, Patrick E. Mclean, "Edwin quickly becomes something more than a villain and less than a hero. He takes out villains because they are 'incompetent and inefficient' and heroes because they are 'ineffectual and in the way.' He often does the right thing for the wrong reason. Which, as fans can tell you, is very entertaining."

How to Succeed in Evil alternates between lighthearted, funny stories and serious ones. It follows one main plot while also branching off into various prequel adventures. The updates are few and far between (in fact almost a year has gone by since the last one since the author is currently working on the book), but every episode is available on the website and iTunes if you are up for a mini Archive Trawl.

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