Broken Base: The fans of the original book, in regards to the movie. Some enjoy the movie as well as the book, while others are not a fan of its admittedly extreme liberties with the source material. Some fans have found a compromise between the two, combining elements of the original book (such as the John Donne poem that serves as a focal point in the book) with the movie's designs in their fan-works.
Counts as a Broken Base for Miyazaki/Ghibli fans in general. About half think of it as a brilliant piece of art, while the other half sees it as a convoluted, messy and dramatically cryptic failure. Critical opinion is less divided (apart from Roger Ebert's panning of the movie), and Howl has a solid 86% approval rate at Rotten Tomatoes.
Hollywood Homely: Young Sophie. She seems to pretty much be the only one who considers herself homely. It's more of a self-esteem problem. It seems she turns old and ugly when she thinks of herself as ugly.
Wangst: An in-universe example, when Howl throws a tantrum over his hair color - even summoning spirits of darkness and emanating green goo.
Sophie: Such drama!
The Woobie: Sophie, particularly when she's first cursed and constantly tells herself not to overreact, when it's clear she's overwhelmed. Then she leaves home because she doesn't want to be a burden. Then her mother sells her out without Sophie even knowing.