Human Centipede: The Musical is a satirical adaptation of The Human Centipede. It can be viewed here.
- Ax Crazy: Voller.
- Break the Cutie: Steve.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Lindsay's actress revolts during the "feeding" scene.
- Brick Joke: Butt cocktails.
- Calling Your Attacks: Steve cries out “Stab!” twice: once when he stabs Heiter, and again when he kills himself.
- Captain Obvious Aesop: Parodied in the final song.
Everyone: Don’t sew your mouth to my butt, and I won’t sew my butt to you. If we all keep out butts to ourselves, we can change the world. |
- Contractual Genre Blindness: Lindsay and Jenny display Genre Savviness on numerous occasions, yet they never apply it.
- Death by Adaptation: Lindsay
- Determinator: Steve.
- Driven to Suicide: Steve.
- Establishing Character Moment: Most of the main characters, especially Steve, have them.
- Evil Is Hammy: Heiter.
- Faux Affably Evil: Heiter, who explains how the human centipede will be created in song.
- For the Evulz: The reason why Heiter kills the truck driver.
- Germanic Efficiency
Lindsay: I haven’t seen a street sign in a while. |
- In Harm's Way: Kranz and Voller.
- Keet: Steve.
- Kill'Em All
- Large Ham: Voller.
Voller: I smell danger! I want more! |
- Lyrical Dissonance: Dr. Heiter’s Villain Song, along with the penultimate number, an upbeat song about how everyone dies.
- Mood Whiplash: Heiter interrupts Steve’s cheerful music number by drugging him and dragging him offstage.
- Musicalis Interruptus: Heiter does this to Steve and Lindsay on separate occasions.
- Narm: Lampshaded.
Narrator: This would be sad if they didn’t look so amusing. |
- No Dead Body Poops: Averted.
Narrator: Just so you know, everybody... you poop when you die! |
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Heiter, Kranz, and Voller.
- Plot Hole: One lyric states, “Steve smiled until his last teeth were gone”, but Steve is at the front of the centipede.
- The Pollyanna: Steve retains his cheerful demeanor even when he wakes up tied to a bed and finds out that he’ll be part of a human centipede.
- Rock Bottom
Jenny: What are we gonna do? We blew a tire, and we don’t know where we are! This literally could not be any worse! |
- Taking You with Me: Before bleeding to death, Kranz shoots Heiter in the head.
- That's What She Said
Jenny: We’re dangerously unprotected. |
Jenny: We don’t know where we are, and we don’t have phones, and we’re just two girls, and the horror movie really writes itself here! |
- Title: the Adaptation
- Toilet Humor: A cornerstone of the plot.
Narrator: Poop jokes! This is art! |
- Translation Convention: All of the dialogue is in English.
- Valley Girl: Lindsay and Jenny.
- Villain Song: The means through which Dr. Heiter explains the procedure.