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Any dolt with half a brain

Can see that humankind has gone insane.

Learn well, Jakesully, then we will see if your insanity can be cured.
Mo'at[1], Avatar


This mind could argue with itself. This mind could see the same event in different ways. It was insanity! A democratic brain, arguing within itself, with no sure, certain control, only a sort of uneasy compromise. A consensus of disputatious elements.

This brain contained its own traitor!

And, as I began to sift the memories I saw, again and again, the internal argument. The "Should I? Should I not?" debates. The paralysis of internal disagreement.

But I also saw decisions improved as a result of uncertainty. Hesitation and internal discord leading to decisions that were wiser, more useful, than quicker decisions would have been.

And yet that seemed a small compensation for the internal treason and confusion and conflict.

No wonder they kill each other, I thought. They very nearly kill themselves!

It was madness. Humans, as a species, were mad.
Visser One, from Visser

"Humans are weak and disgusting little creatures who love to fight."
Clancy, from Ninja Gaiden [2]

"It is… madness. They consume, they restore. They destroy, they create. They hate, they love. They die, they live. They kill… they save. If you think that it is simply the views of the Autobots or the Decepticons down there, then you are gravely mistaken; each one has its own agenda, its own needs… they are creatures of habit and creatures of necessity… and they will destroy whoever gets in their way. They are insane."