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Hisoka from is a walking Ho Yay machine. His fights with other male characters (including the 12-year-old protagonists) get him very excited indeed, complete with what can only be described as a "firey groin shot". He obsessively stalks Gon, flirts with Kurapika and spends a good deal of the Greed Island arc fondling a telescope suggestively, taking his clothes off and drooling over Gon and Killua's backsides.
Pedoclown doesn't limit himself to shota boys, though. He's also got the hots for Kuroro and Machi.
And then he definitely stares at their butts and chuckles (in the anime he moans), and Killua makes him walk in front. And then Gon comes up with a brilliant plan for not losing at dodge ball (okay, tactically important, bone-breaking dodge ball) that involves as a necessary side effect Killua being slammed into Hisoka's crotch. More maniacal chuckles.
In the 2011 anime remake, they let you know by episode 5 that Hisoka has the hots for Gon.
In the "Nightmare of Zaoldyck" musical, Hisoka amps the Pedobear act up by 9,000. He even compares Gon to a little green apple then he licks it.
In chapter 326 Hisoka thinks about how he wants Gon to be saved.
There's also plenty of Gon/Killua. They spend much of the Whale Island arc sharing their feelings and promising never to be apart, and then there's the theme tune lyrics: "I put my arm around your shoulders and hold hands, because I want to stay either your lover or friend" (with shots of Gon next to Killua and Leorio next to Kurapica).
In the Chimera Ant arc, any and all Gon/Killua subtext is dangerously close to crossing into text, what with all the close ups and inner monologues Togashi keeps giving us. And when entire pages are dedicated to Killua's sad little face when Gon tells him that 'he couldn't possibly understand what he's feeling' during the Neferpitou/Gon deadlock, you know something's up.
"Sad little face"? As of the latest chapter, Killua's had a complete breakdown in the middle of a life-threatening fight.
Not to mention Killua stalking Gon and Palm on their date to make sure Gon wasn't attacked by any rogue ants (sure...), and Palm blaming Killua for 'getting in the way' when she splits up with him.
Especially notable during the time when Gon was depowered and they were near a village with a risk of being attacked by ants, where Killua thinks that if ants were to attack, first priority would be to protect Gon even if it meant letting everyone else die.
Killua and Gon have a lot of this together, especially coming from Killua's side. The only thing that really seems to be keeping it firmly in the realm of "subtext so thick you could cut blocks of it out of the air with a knife and sell it as cheap building material" is the fact that they're both twelve, and neither of them seem to have hit puberty yet.
Palm to Killua: "If there's something I can do for Gon, I'd do it gladly. But don't forget...the one most important to Gon is you..."
And in chapter 326 Killua thinks about how much he wants to save Gon.
In chapter 326 Hisoka also says that Gon is Killua's "most beloved" and the "spent most time with". [1]
In chapter 329 Killua thinks "Gon...I'm almost there...!!"
In chapter 331 Killua thinks "Just wait a little bit longer Gon!" showing that he's still going all out to save and find Gon.
Kurapika and Leorio bicker like a married couple ever since they met and even talked to each other. It goes that far back.
In the anime, they share the same room for at least an episode, and there's instant tension between the two.
In the same episode, Leorio goes off to find Kurapika when he burns the a Kurata ship. He even outright states that he was concerned for Kurapika.
Also in an anime-only episode, Leorio is supposedly lost at sea, and Kurapika is terribly shaken and tries to hold off the operation they were doing just to buy time for Leorio, and eventually Gon, to get back on the ship.
Then there's the more nicer moments where they agree on things, such as the nice phone call talk at the end of the first anime. Even more noticeably, they talk with each other more often than to the other two in the group.
Forget subtext. The Radio Dramas have Leorio and Kurapika hitting it in a restaurant and speaking in "moody" voices.
Feitan has his own creepy brand of this, if you take the fact that he wanted to torture Gon slowly, combine it with the fact that he reads books by Trevor Brown (to paraphrase from the wikipedia article, the guy draws surreal doll-fetish kiddie-torture-porn), and, um, yeah....
There's also those two super-minor characters in the Hunters' Exam, who have hilarious amounts of Ho Yay in the anime-only test involving the boat.
Come on, This Troper was the only one to notice Killua's constant blushing toward Kurapika in the OVA? Even the manga shows his uneasiness when the blonde smiled (for the first time in 20 episodes, no less).
Shaiapouf and the king have this, mostly from Shaiapouf's side. "So I can build a kingdom. The king's and my kingdom."
As of chapter 299, the Ho Yay between Shiapouf, Yupi, and the king has reached critical mass. All personnel are required to evacuate immediately. This is not a drill.