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Tropes and the badasses who love them: A Hyakujitsu no Bara Character Sheet.

Taki Reizen[]

Pictaki 5188

 "I am a lord. I'm in a position to protect everyone! And since that's the case, I'm going to protect them with all my might. Rather than letting them die in some forsaken place, I think about how they feel and I stand on the battlefield!"



 Voiced by: Susumu Chiba


The Commander of the Rose Division and Shinka of the Emperor, Taki is seen as The Messiah of his people. At 18 he chooses to study at Luckenwalde to learn from the enemy's tactics, and there meets Klaus for the second time. Upon the breakout of war, he is deported and brings Klaus back with him as his knight, upsetting the balance at home.

Klaus von Wolfstadt[]

Picklaus 4502

 "My country, my power, my family...I give them up willingly. Let me stay by your side, Taki."



 Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue


Formerly a pilot of the Western Alliance, he was assigned to keep an eye on Taki at the Military Academy. Upon Taki's deportation he decided to give up all his rights to follow him, becoming Taki's knight despite all the discrimination and suspicion he is subject to.


Picberkut 1124

 "I didn't expect the division commander himself to show up. Guess you really couldn't stomach your pet dog getting shot to death."


A former pilot like Klaus and the current Dragon to Theodora. Nearly kills Klaus during the train incident having a long enmity since their pilot days.


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 "I love a good vendetta."


Princess of Eurote, she comes onto the scene when she forcibly enters Reizen terrority, after murdering the Eurotean Cabinet. Her exact motivations are unknown.

  • Dissonant Serenity: Commented that her dinner was "boring" after poisoning the whole Cabinet and later had no trouble sleeping in a train full of corpses. She was also remarkably calm when facing a berserking Taki who could have killed her in a second.
  • Femme Fatale: Could have walked straight out of Film Noir

Moriya, Azusa and Date[]

Piccrew 5178

 Azusa: "Don't worry. If I get captured on the Eurotean side, they're all my kin, so I bet they wouldn't be quick to execute me or anything."

Date: "Hey! Don't say things like that!"

Moriya: "Date."


A trio of young soldiers who grew up with Taki and serve in his personal tank crew aboard the Murakumo. Azusa gains more prominence in Vol. 2 when he offers to go on the train mission when no one else was willing to.

Lieutenant Suguri[]

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 "We are not superstitious. We've seen the truth with our own eyes. Beside him...we are willing to do our duty and follow him."


A veteran who has been taking care of Taki since he was little. He was witness to the tragedy at No Man's Land.


Pickatsuragi 5144

 "A distorted wish like that can never be granted."


The sinister Deputy Minister of Home Affairs in Taki's country and from the second of the Eight Branch families. He took on a foreign knight during the first war, Private Ashley, who was killed on the frontlines. Suguri holds him directly responsible for the tragedy in No Man's Land.