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Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger Character sheet.
The Gaorangers[]
Kakeru Shishi/GaoRed | Actor: Noboru Kaneko[]
Veterinarian chosen by GaoRed to lead the Gaorangers and become GaoLion. He is highly compassionate with the ability to talk to animals, and controls GaoRed, GaoLion, GaoGorilla and GaoKong.
- The Chosen One
- Determinator
- Friend to All Living Things
- The Hero
- Heroic Resolve
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: In episode 8.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority
- Meaningful Name: His family name means "lion". His full name can be translated as "the lion runs", which is the title of the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger episode featuring Kakeru as a guest star.
- Rookie Red Ranger
- Signature Move: Blazing Fire
- Speaks Fluent Animal: He fits the trope, but it's later subverted as a (possibly family unfriendly) Aesop - Red initially believes that he can talk to the Orgs and reason with them like animals, only to discover that they don't have souls.
- Weapon of Choice
- Power Claws: Lion Fang, which can transform into the...
- Big Bifurcated Gatling Gun: Gao Mane Buster
- The Archer: Falcon Summoner
Gaku Washio/GaoYellow | Actor: Kei Horie[]
The former team leader until Red came along, Yellow was also the first Gaoranger and spent a year working alone with Tetomu. Often clashes with Red because he resents being replaced as team leader, though eventually their rivalry cools. Controls GaoFalcon, GaoYellow and GaoEagle.
- Ace Pilot
- Back From the Dead
- Carnivore Confusion: Will not eat poultry out of respect to his bird mecha. Blue and Black don't have the same reservation towards fish and beef, however.
- Code Name: It was his idea for the Gaorangers to be known by Ranger designation rather than their personal names.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!
- Dye or Die: Bleaches his hair to disguise himself because he's officially AWOL from the Japanese Air Force
- Gratuitous English
- The Lancer
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: (After seeing a zombie) AAAAAHHH!!! *whack* OH! *whack* MAH! *whack* GAAAWD!
- The Rival: To Red, though this quickly mellows down.
- Signature Move: Noble Slash
- Tsundere
- Weapon of Choice
- Cool Sword: Eagle Sword
- Feather Flechettes: Feather Cutters, feather-like darts in the Eagle Sword's hilt.
Kai Samezu/GaoBlue | Actor: Takeru Shibaki[]
The youngest male on the team and a former "freeter", who has a close friendship with Black. He controls GaoPolar and GaoBear.
- Back From the Dead
- Bladed Dual Tonfas: Shark Cutters
- Berserk Button: Refer to him as a kid, or treat him like one, and prepare to face his wrath.
- Catch Phrase: "Never give up!"
- Dreaming of Things to Come: He dreams of the battle that would lead to GaoBlue joining them.
- Gratuitous English
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Black, although they separate at the end of the series despite their initial plans to open a shop together.
- If It Swims, It Flies
- Jerkass
- Just a Kid: Takes being the youngest male on the team very hard.
- Kid Appeal Character: Not only is he the youngest male, he also gets along well with Futaro.
- Ship Tease: It's occasionally hinted that he has a crush on White.
- Signature Move: Surging Chopper
Soutarou Ushigome/GaoShark | Actor: Kazuyoshi Sakai[]
Former sumo wrestler turned florist's assistant, who is best friends with Blue. Despite being The Big Guy he is actually very sweet (unless you threaten the people he cares about) and scares easily. He controls GaoGiraffe, GaoGiraffe and GaoBlack.
- An Axe to Grind: Bison Axe
- Back From the Dead
- Beware the Nice Ones
- The Big Guy
- The Dulcinea Effect
- Friend to All Living Things
- Gentle Giant
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Blue.
- Innocent Flower Girl: A male version; he worked in a florist's shop before becoming a Gaoranger
- Meaningful Name: His family name, Ushigome, contains the character for "cattle" (Black controls GaoBison)
- Signature Move: Iron Broken
- Wacky Marriage Proposal: His desperate proposal when his girlfriend is possessed by an Org, although they don't make it down the aisle.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: He makes a very pretty bride, at least ...
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: His fear of heights.
Sae Taiga/GaoWhite | Actor: Mio Takeuchi[]
Youngest team member and the only girl, a martial arts student. Controls GaoRhino, GaoMadillo and GaoBison.
- Back From the Dead
- Bratty Teenage Daughter
- The Chick
- Heir to the Dojo: Subverted - she was the Heir to the Dojo but, to her father's chagrin, moved to Tokyo to continue her training on her own
- Just a Kid
- Meaningful Name: Her real name is Sae Taiga, rather convenient given that she is in charge of GaoWhite.
- Prince Charming: Her romantic daydreams take this form
- Ship Tease: Blue appears to have a crush on her but in a few episodes she gets Ship Tease with Silver, with whom she originally planned to travel the world after the events of the finale, until their plans changed at the last minute.
- Signature Move: Belle Crisis
- Simple Staff: Tiger Baton
- The Smart Girl
- The Smurfette Principle
- So Proud of You: Her father, when they reunite.
- Woman in White
Tsukumaro Oogami/Shirogane/GaoSilver | Actor: Tetsuji Tamayama[]
A 1,062-year-old GaoTiger who was sealed away a thousand years ago after becoming possessed by the demon Rouki. After being defeated by the Gaorangers, he is physically separated from Rouki and joins the team as GaoElephant. He controls GaoDeer, GaoTiger, and GaoSilver.
- The Atoner
- Bad Guys Play Pool
- Bishounen
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: Maybe why he calls him self the "Sparkling Wolf"?
- Or related to Bishie Sparkle?
- Heel Face Turn
- I Work Alone
- Magic Music: The effect of his flute on the Gao Animals
- Meaningful Name: "Oogami" is a homonym for "wolf," and his given name (Tsukumaro) contains the kanji for "moon."
- Name's the Same: In Kamen Rider Decade, the AU counterpart to Faiz (who happens to be the Wolf Orphenoch) is named Takumi Oogami.
- Never Got to Say Goodbye: Variant - in the Reunion Show with Hurricaneger, he leaves before his teammates can say goodbye, which, he tells Shurikenger, would have been unbearably painful for him.
- Not Good with People
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Ship Tease: With both Tetomu (thanks to his connection with her great-grandmother) and White.
- Signature Move: Ginro Mangetsu Giri [1]
- Sixth Ranger
- The Stoic
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Swiss Army Weapon: Gao Hustler Rod
- Royal Rapier: Sabre Mode
- Ray Gun: Sniper Mode
- Improbable Weapon User: Break Mode, which is used in a Pool-themed finisher.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Walking the Earth: What he does after the events of the show
- Wolf Man
Power Animals[]
The Hundred Beasts mentioned in the title, they grant their powers to the Gaorangers in their battle against the Orgs.
Tropes that apply to the Power Animals in general include:
- Animal Mecha
- Back From the Dead: The Power Animals the heroes partner with return in the finale, after being killed in the previous episode.
- Competitive Balance: Each of the mecha formations have a different role.
- Jack of All Stats: GaoWarrior and GaoSilver.
- Mighty Glacier: GaoWolf and GaoHammerhead.
- Lightning Bruiser: GaoLigator
- Finishing Move:
- GaoKing 1: Animal Heart [2]
- GaoHunter 2: Surging Arrow [3]
- GaoKnight: Muscle Lariat [4]
- GaoIcarus (Rouki): Beast Hurricane [5]
- GaoKing (Silver): Revolver Phantom [6]
- GaoMuscle: Icarus Dynamite [7]
- GaoHunter Another Foot and Arm: Icarus Breaker [8]
- GaoLigator's: Dance of the Beast King [9]
- GaoHunter: Big Burn Final
- Golem: They're spirits that occupy metallic constructs made from the Earth itself.
- Our Centaurs Are Different: GaoHunter is a centaurid mecha made of gigantic Power Animals.
- Weapon of Choice:
- GaoIcarus: Cool Sword
- GaoIcarus: Anchor Chain
- GaoKentaurus: Blade on a Stick
- GaoKnight Another Foot and Arm: Dual-Wielding
GaoKing primary Power Animal, a red lion with a golden mane. Forms the upper torso and core of GaoMuscle and the lower part of GaoHunter.
- King of Beasts
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Whoever GaoIcarus chooses as its partner leads the Gaorangers.
- Mega Neko: Especially in GaoLion formation.
- Panthera Awesome
GaoKing primary Power Animal, a yellow-gold eagle. Forms the head of GaoKentaurus and the waist of GaoLion and GaoKentaurus.
GaoYellow's primary Power Animal, a blue shark. Forms GaoKing right arm and its primary weapon, the Fin Blade, and also GaoMuscle right arm.
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Only if you're an Org.
- If It Swims, It Flies
GaoShark primary Power Animal, a black bison. Forms GaoBlue's and GaoKing's lower torso and legs.
GaoBison primary Power Animal, a white-gray tiger. Forms GaoBlack's and GaoKing's left arm.
The first of the extra Power Animals the Gaorangers awaken, a cyan elephant; eventually GaoTiger partners with it. Forms a sword and shield for GaoWhite's, GaoKing's, and GaoKnight's.
- Finishing Move: Evil Crusher [10]
- Mecha Expansion Pack
- Mythology Gag: GaoElephant head serving as a shield brings to mind Zyumammoth.
- War Elephants
- Weapon of Choice
The second extra Power Animal encountered, and an orange giraffe, GaoKing met it after he fought an Org underwater. Replaces GaoKnight as a left arm and forms GaoKentaurus left arm, both as an arm-spear.
- Blade Below the Shoulder
- Finishing Move: Neck Thrust [11]
- Mecha Expansion Pack
The third and fourth extra Power Animals, with GaoBlue being a black bear and GaoShark a similar but white bear. GaoIcarus' encountered them as two mysterious boys, and after helping them regain their true forms, they expressed their gratitude by helping the Gaorangers. They form arms for both GaoGiraffe's and especially GaoBear and GaoPolar.
- Bash Brothers: Literally.
- Breath Weapon
- Combination Attack: Whirling Frenzy
- Elemental Powers: GaoBear shoots Fire while GaoPolar shoots Ice.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: For GaoYellow at least; combining with the two bears made it ill.
- Finishing Move: Bear Strike [12]
- Mecha Expansion Pack
The fifth extra Power Animal, a green gorilla. As the Gaorangers were sent back in time in their quest to acquire a mushroom needed to heal GaoMuscle, GaoBear awoke, helping the Rangers defeat the Bulldozer Org. Forms the head and upper torso of GaoPolar and thus its core.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Improbable Weapon User: Can throw giant bananas. That can explode.
The movie-exclusive Power Animal, befriended by GaoGorilla. Forms the core of GaoLion.
- Palette Swap: Of GaoGorilla, with GaoMuscle being red instead of green.
- Shout-Out: To King Kong, name-wise.
Soul Bird[]
The manifestation of the Gao Heart, Soul Bird was born from the Gao Egg created by the Radiant Mushroom. First appearing as a chick affectionately called Piyo-chan, it grew to its adult form while the Gaorangers fought Shuten.
- Literal Split Personality: Splits into two halves, with the feistier one called Yo-chan escaping from the Pot Org and eventually helping the Gaorangers defeat it. The two are reunited after the battle.
- Mini Meta Mecha
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: As Piyo-chan.
- Team Pet
- Wave Motion Gun
Rouki's and later, GaoRed totem Power Animal, a silver wolf. Forms GaoKnight left arm.
- Big Badass Wolf
- Canis Major
- Evil Counterpart: To GaoGorilla, at first.
Another one of Rouki's or GaoWolf Power Animals, a primarily green alligator. Forms the body and legs of GaoSilver's.
Another one of Rouki's/GaoLion Power Animals. Forms the right arm of GaoLigator.
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Played straight until Silver is freed from his Rouki form.
- Evil Counterpart: To GaoSilver's, arguably at first.
- If It Swims, It Flies
GaoHunter and GaoHammerhead[]
Friends of GaoSilver's, they appeared in order to help defeat Rouki. GaoHunter is a blue-green rhinoceros that forms a lower torso and legs for GaoShark, GaoRhinos, and primarily GaoMadillo, while GaoBison is a purple armadillo that forms a ball.
- Bash Brothers
- Fastball Special: GaoRhinos.
- Finishing Move: Rhino Shoot [13]
- Rhino Rampage
- Rolling Attack
An ancient Power Animal in the form of a green deer whom Tetomu's grandmother Murasaki once sang to, accompanied by Shirogane/GaoMadillo. Reappearing in the present day to immobilize Tombstone Org, it spurned the Gaorangers until Tetomu helped Silver regain its trust. Eventually becomes GaoMadillo third Power Animal, and serves as GaoKing/GaoMuscle left arm.
- Bambification: Aversion.
- Finishing Move:
- Bubble Capture: GaoMadillo seals an Org in a magical bubble.
- Horn Crash: A strike with GaoDeers antlers.
- Improbable Weapon User
- Mecha Expansion Pack
- The Medic: Can heal its fellow Power Animals.
- Revive Kills Zombie: And it can bind Orgs with its power.
Called the Ultimate Power Animal, it was a red falcon summoned by GaoWhite's after his friends in the afterlife solved a puzzle, granting him the Falcon Summoner. Forms the head, body, and wings of GaoIcarus' and GaoDeers.
- Big Badass Bird of Prey
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: It's the only other red Power Animal in the series, and not only does it ally with GaoDeers', it's also one of the most powerful Power Animals.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Its wings are large enough to serve as a shield when held together.
- Mid-Season Upgrade
- The Phoenix: Evokes this by exiting the volcano on the Animarium. The Phoenix motif is furthered by the implication that GaoFalcon helped in reviving the rest of the Gaorangers and GaoRed.
- The Worf Effect: Gets this by being the first Power Animal on Sky Island to be killed when Senki begins his rampage.
Ally of the Gaorangers from a thousand years prior to the series. He appears in spirit form to help the Gaorangers break the curse on Shirogane. He appears as a young boy named Futaro to the dead Gaorangers to aid them in their spirit quest, and is revived alongside them with GaoKentaurus appearance.
GaoRed is composed of the five God Power Animals: GaoFalcon, a black version of GaoGod forming its upper torso; GaoGod, a blue bird similar to GaoFalcon's forming its head and bow; GaoGod, a maroon shark that forms its right arm and sword; GaoLeon, a brown buffalo that forms its lower torso and legs; and GaoLion, an orange jaguar that forms its left arm.
- Back From the Dead
- Blow You Away: Seems to have powers over wind.
- Finishing Move:
- Wild God Sword: A slash with the GaoCondor blade.
- Power Arrow: Joins the GaoEagle blade with its bow horns and fires an energy blast.
- First Church of Mecha
- Line-of-Sight Name: When he returns to the living world as a young boy, he takes his name from a balloon [14] and calls himself Futaro.
- Mysterious Waif
- Palette Swap: Each component is more or less this to each of the components of GaoSawshark, but are different enough to make the overall difference distinct.
- Physical God
- Tagalong Kid: On the surface.
- Weapon of Choice: Blade Below the Shoulder (GaoBuffalo blade) and The Archer (GaoJaguar tail parts that also form horns for GaoSawshark).
Gao Priestess Tetomu[]
- Generation Xerox: her great-grandmother and previous Priestess is played by the same actress.
- Hidden Depths
- Magic Music: Her singing calms the Gao Animals.
- Miko
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Ship Tease: With Silver.
- Team Chef: Her cooking even becomes a plot point and is what allows GaoSawshark to assume a larger size.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Ogre Tribe Orgs[]
Duke Org Yabaiba[]
- Catch Phrase: "Yabaiba!", meaning "This is bad!", as well as being a pun on his name
- Goldfish Poop Gang: Along with Tsuetsue
- Knife Nut
- Love Martyr
- Minion Shipping: Yabaiba and Tsuetsue
- One-Winged Angel: Super Yabaiba, granted by Ura from the thousand-year-old evil spirit.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Played for laughs between Yabaiba and Yellow.
- Villain Decay
Duke Org Tsuetsue[]
- Back From the Dead: Yabaiba fishes her out of Org Hell in episode 47.
- Berserk Button: Just don't call her an Oba-san.
- Catch Phrase: "Oni in, luck out!"
- Dark Chick
- Evil Sorcerer
- Make My Monster Grow
- Minion Shipping: With Yabaiba
- One-Winged Angel: First uses Ura's crown to turn herself into what seemed to be the third Highness Duke, Onihime, and later gets Super Tsuetsue, granted by Ura from the thousand-year-old evil spirit.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Lampshaded when White points out that Tsuetsue is the oldest woman on the show.
- The Smurfette Principle
- Villain Decay
- Woman in Black
High Duke Org Shuten[]
- An Axe to Grind
- Back From the Dead: In the final arc.
- Disc One Final Boss
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: In his case, all over his body.
- Tetsu Inada
High Duke Org Ura[]
- Back From the Dead: Twice. First after being killed by GaoKing and second in the final arc.
- Benevolent Boss: Relatively speaking; he treats Yabaiba and Tsuetsue rather well, especially compared to his successor. He even gives them power from the thousand-year evil spirit.
- Disc Two Final Boss
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: His eyes are within nostrils.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How he dies.
- Knight of Cerebus: His stint as High Duke coincides with the Gaorangers being curb-stomped by Rouki, then culminates with the death of most of them.
- Magic Mirror
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- One-Winged Angel: And, surprisingly, is effective - enough to kill all of the Gaorangers save Red and Silver.
- Paper Fan of Doom
High Duke Org Rasetsu[]
- Back From the Dead: In the final arc.
- Bad Boss
- Disc Three Final Boss
- Extreme Omnivore
- Hidekatsu Shibata: As his male voice.
- Improbable Weapon User: A Knife and Fork set that can join together.
Ultimate Org Senki[]
- All Your Powers Combined: Has a weapon that combines Shuten's axe, Ura's fan, and Rasetsu's fork-knife halberd, which mirrors the Haja Hyakujuuken.
- Evil Counterpart: See All Your Powers Combined.
- Fusion Dance: Has aspects of all three High Dukes, as well as Yabaiba and Tsuetsue's horns on his arms.
- Pulling Themselves Together: Destroying his body won't work unless his "heart" is also destroyed, a fact the Gaorangers learned the hard way.
- True Final Boss
Three Org Brothers[]
The villains of The Movie, they appeared on the island where the Gaorangers and Tetomu were transported to. They forced the local villagers to work for them, until the Gaorangers intervened.
- Elemental Powers
- Shock and Awe: Zeus Org.
- Making a Splash: Poseidon Org.
- Blow You Away: Hades Org.
- Fat Bastard: Poseidon Org.
- Single-Stroke Battle: GaoSawshark's against Poseidon Org.
- Weapon of Choice:
- Cool Sword: Zeus Org.
- Prongs of Poseidon: Poseidon Org, unsurprisingly.
- Sinister Scythe: Hades Org.
- ↑ Silver Wolf Full Moon Cut
- ↑ An energy blast fired from the component Power Animals. Becomes an upgraded version with the addition of Soul Bird called Super Animal Heart, while a handstand version is called Reverse Animal Heart.
- ↑ GaoMuscle throws the Fin Blade at an Org.
- ↑ A powerful one-two punch.
- ↑ A blast fired from GaoKing mouth, not too different from Animal Heart.
- ↑ GaoKing stabs an Org with the spinning Ligator Blade.
- ↑ A more powerful version of the Rhino Shoot done while airborne.
- ↑ An impaling strike done by pushing the Crescent Boomerang with the Ligator Blade.
- ↑ A series of powerful slashes.
- ↑ The Elephant Sword slackens into its whip form and strikes the Org.
- ↑ GaoElephant's head is launched toward an Org, piercing it.
- ↑ Fire and ice beams are fired simultaneously from the two.
- ↑ GaoKing kicks GaoMuscle into a foe.
- ↑ fuusen