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Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (神次元ゲイムネプテューヌV Kami Jigen Game Neptune V?, also known as Ultra Dimension Neptune V) is a 2012 action role-playing game developed and published by Compile Heart along with the assistance of Idea Factory. It is the third installment in the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise. Set in the year 1989, the story takes place after Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 in an alternate dimension to Gamindustri, bringing more insight to the "Console Wars" story arc. The game was released on August 30, 2012 in Japan and in North America and Europe in March 2013. Like the first game, this game received a rating of "Teen" by the

An enhanced remake for the PlayStation Vita, titled Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Century was released in Japan on December 18, 2014, in North America on June 30, 2015, and in Europe on July 3, 2015, the latter two under the subtitle of V Generation.

Tropes used in Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory include:
  • Ass Shove: Neptune proposes to shove signs of protesters against the rule of the CPUs down their anuses to Nepgear.
  • Alternate Dimension: The Ultradimension, which is where Neptune spends the majority of game instead of the Hyperdimension.
    • Mirror Universe: Played with. The Hyperdimension and Ultradimension seem like this to the characters, but to the player perspective, the Ultradimension is the past version of the Hyperdimension, though due to the differing flow of time between the two dimensions, they eventually catch up to each other.
      • And in the True Ending, the two dimensions become linked, stabilizing the time flow between them.
  • Bag of Spilling: Justified; the CPUs weren't fighting for years, so their levels naturally went down.
  • Balance of Power: Played with interesting enough with the character of Rei Ryghts in both dimensions. Once the Ultradimension versions emotions hit absolute despair level, she snaps and gets a massive power boost. The Hyperdimension version grows in power instead by the absence of the Hyperdimension Planeptune goddess, with her power groweing the longer they remain absent.
  • Driven to Suicide: Vert mentions a strike in a foreign land where Leanboxes are produced where workers demand better pay or they will jump off the roof of the factory.
  • Fake Action Prologue: Neptunia is attacked by the other three CPUs in the prologue as "comeuppance". She is seemingly killed, but then it turns out it's all part of a game the real CPUs were playing.
  • Fanservice: The battle armors of the CPUs expose a lot of skin.
  • Ms. Exposition : Nepgear recaps the events of the second game at the start of this one for the players.
  • Never the Selves Shall Meet: Implied to be true but ultimately defied. Neptune nor Nepgear exist in Ultradimension, with the implication they already died or never existed or that Plutia has taken their place and thus that's why they don't run into their other selves. This is ultimately defied when the Hyper and Ultra dimensional Falcom's meet each other in Re;birth 3.
    • Further defied in the true ending when we find out Neptune does exist in the Ultradimension, just not as a goddess.
  • Super Mode: HDD Mode, who sacrifices 20% of the maximum SP and transforms the main characters in their CPU forms.
  • Time Skip: It's establish at the beginning of the game it's been years since Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk 2, and all the CPUs were doing since was lazying around.