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  • The Interaction between Cap and Superman in After Hours #7.
  • The end of the After Hours finale when, after Superman hits the Reset Button in what he thinks is an Heroic Sacrifice, Stan Lee and the Marvel heroes all tell him that while some may say that Marvel heroes are more relatable because of their imperfections, what really makes them relatable is that they're all trying to do the best they can to do the right thing, and that Superman represents the ideal they all strive toward.
    • The "Heroic Sacrifice" was pretty heartwarming itself. "...Goodbye, Lois."
  • In Happy Hour, when Spidey is strapped to a chair after Joker fails to turn him Darker and Edgier.

 Spider-Man: Maybe I don't know when I've been beaten. But maybe that's why you can't beat me. You tried to make me think all my loved ones were killed in order to make me some darker version of myself. Well guess what, my mother is dead, my father is dead, my uncle was shot, even my girlfriend was murdered! [...] The point is, I have lost everything I ever cared about and I'm still here with all the morals I started with. Now you're looking for some magic button to push to change me. Well you give it all you got, because I'm either just too strong or too stupid to lose hope!

  • In the Happy Hour finale, Spider-Man finds himself dangling over a giant chasm almost in reach of Lance's head and Batman tells him to let it go and grab his hand. What ensues is possibly the sweetest, most heartfelt moment in the entire series (Ironically, in a Shout-Out to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ):

 Spider-Man: I can reach it! Don't you see? We can study him! We can see what he saw in my memories! We can get a closer look at--

Batman: Peter. Peter...let it go.

Spider-Man: I...I can't. I can't take not knowing--it's just too much! I'm not like you.

Batman: Like me?

Spider-Man: Don't you know why I thought you were so cool? It's because of this. You can take anything that comes your way. No family, no powers--it doesn't matter! Nothing gets you down. I thought if I could be more like you, then...I've had to take a lot of crap in my life but this...this is too much. Don't you get it? I'm all alone.

Batman: No, you're not. (Spider-Man slowly gives him his other hand and Batman pulls him up)

    • The fact that Batman called Spiderman by his real name for the first time is heartwarming enough.
  • After the events of Happy Hour, Batman and Spiderman talk.

 Spiderman: "Funny, isn't it? The one guy who actually who wants to be darker saves everyone because he can't be."

Batman: "Spiderman, at the risk of overinflating your ego, let me tell you something. Being optismistic when you know the odds are against you is not a bad thing. Stupid but not bad. Neither is refusing to let go of that optimism when life takes things away from you. That takes strength. That takes courage. And it's who you are. Not all heroes have to be dark to be successful. If anything, my friend, you are the living embodiment of why the Joker was wrong."

Spiderman: " I thought you said you didn't have any friends."

Batman: " I don't. It's an expression. But ... you are one of the few people I'd be proud to call an acquaintance."

  • After some attempts at Father's Day videos go horribly wrong, Spider-Man worries that the fact all of the featured superheroes have Disappeared Dads will prevent any of them from having a happy Father's Day. Superman reminds him there's still someone they can celebrate they all hold a surprise party for Stan Lee. Excelsior!
  • The Thanksgiving special has, among others, Green Lantern thank his "extremely forgiving audiences", Terry McGinnis thank "fans who never forgot about [him]", Batman thank Alfred, and of course, ItsJustSomeRandomGuy thank his fans for staying with him for so long.
  • The end of Twas the Dark Knight before Christmas? Just the way that Bruce thanked Santa/Clark made this troper go all fuzzy.
  • In Rorschach and Deadpool #2 (Marvel/DC/Buddy Cop Parody) Rorschach and Deadpool get their own "break-up" episode. After a sad reprise of their theme song where they both mistaken somebody else for each other they meet again.

 Rorschach: You do know I just might shoot you to get rid of you again, right?

Deadpool: And I'll keep getting up and following you.

Rorschach: You know you could easily shoot me back. Even kill me.

Deadpool: Nah that's Dr.Manhattan's job. Beside's what fun would that be?

Rorschach: Hrmm.

Deadpool: What?

Rorschach: You actually care about me?

Deadpool: Well you and your ability to endure being tortured by me, yeah.


 Rorschach: Sorry. Can't have anyone caring. Not on this mission.

  • Everyone singing "America The Beautiful", especially as it comes in the wake of Captain America's return.
    • That gets honors for making me cry. No other thing mentioned on any other page has pulled that off.
      • Made this troper cry too and I'm not even American. Though a fan of Cap.
  • All of the Avengers defending Captain America's movie. Afterwards, they all explain why:

 Thor: Thou art the only mortal I would follow into the gates of Hades.

Hulk: Not many people as nice to Hulk as you.

Iron Man: Steve, I know we've had our differences, but you're still the finest man I've ever known.

  • Random Guy's announcement of his return to making videos. The guy's just so humble and grateful to all of his fans for sticking with him.
  • The progression of Superman's relationship with Lois in Sh!t Superman Says. The reboot undoing anything did not effect the warm and fuzzies.
  • As the Avengers and Batman debate over their 2012 movies, Captain America points out that as long as they all get to change the future of superhero movies, they might as well enjoy it together. Thor agrees, and gives "three cheers for Batman and the Avengers!"