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  • One way to prove whether or not Stephen Byerley was a robot would be to put a loaded gun in front of him and order him to shoot himself. If he is human, then he can refuse. If he is a robot, then he will be compelled to obey.
    • Based on what we see of him, I suspect Byerley would shoot himself anyway, human or not. If he could get away with shooting himself somewhere non-lethal, he would, and then refuse to let anybody examine the wound. The only way to be really sure would be to explicitly specify a lethal injury — and killing him is further than most people would be prepared to go to settle the question. — User:Paul A


Fridge Brilliance[]

  • Like Spooner says the building design of USR is "messed mp", with thin walkways and no hand rails leading to the main console controlling VIKI's interface. When you think about it, really, who's going to try and shut off a super-computer suspended far above the ground floor on tiny metal pathways?
  • Every day Del's grandmother makes him one or more pies, which he eats in one sitting. It seems like an arbitrary character trait, but if you think about it all the sugar and calories probably power his artificial arm. Also explains him dumping a half-dozen spoonfuls of sugar in his coffee toward the beginning. (Unless that's a pun on his name.)
    • As well as the seemingly gratuitous shower scene early in the film, which serves as a point on second viewing.
  • When asked about Lanning, Sonny says he "did not murder him!" Lanning ordered him to. It was a suicide.
  • Dr Lanning is shown to have planned his Batman Gambit insanely well... anticipating Spooner and Sonny's actions throughout the story. Given his closeness to Calvin, he no doubt anticipated that when Sonny attempted to run, she'd naturally seal the room. Sonny would then naturally follow in his footsteps by throwing himself out of the window and landing exactly where his body did.
    • Lanning also may have intended this so that he would land in front of the 3 Laws, symbolising the creator's wish for the death of the 3 laws. When Sonny would do this the force of him landing beside the 3 Laws, would send cracks running towards them, symbolising that Sonny, the creation, would break them.